Let us study a few nectarine Vivekachudamani verses (Guru Purnima 2022)


Translation - Swami MadhavAnandaji from Sri Ramakrishna Mutt. 

These are approximately 90 verses out of the 580 that have been handpicked for our GuruvAtma puja.  The Select verse numbers are 1,3,6,12,13,18,19, 25, 31-35, 43, 226, 227, 232, 233, 234, 235, 251, 252, 270, 271, 272, 275-277,  318, 319, 322, 325-327, 345, 352,  424, 425, 464-470, 472-476, 478-483, 486-495, 499, 506, 507, 513-524, 569, 574, 576, 577, 580

 सर्ववेदान्तसिद्धान्तगोचरं तमगोचरम् ।

गोविन्दं परमानन्दं सद्गुरुं प्रणतोऽस्म्यहम् ॥ १ ॥

sarvavedāntasiddhāntagocaraṃ tamagocaram |

govindaṃ paramānandaṃ sadguruṃ praṇato'smyaham || 1 ||

1. I bow to Govinda, whose nature is Bliss Supreme, who is the Satguru, who can be known only from the import of all Vedanta, and who is beyond the reach of speech and mind.

दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतद्देवानुग्रहहेतुकम् ।

मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः ॥ ३ ॥

durlabhaṃ trayamevaitaddevānugrahahetukam |

manuṣyatvaṃ mumukṣutvaṃ mahāpuruṣasaṃśrayaḥ || 3 ||

3. There are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God –namely, a human birth, the longing for Liberation, and the protecting care of a perfected sage.

वदन्तु शास्त्राणि यजन्तु देवान्

कुर्वन्तु कर्माणि भजन्तु देवताः ।

आत्मैक्यबोधेन विनापि मुक्तिः

न सिध्यति ब्रह्मशतान्तरेऽपि ॥ ६ ॥

vadantu śāstrāṇi yajantu devān

kurvantu karmāṇi bhajantu devatāḥ |

ātmaikyabodhena vināpi muktiḥ

na sidhyati brahmaśatāntare'pi || 6 ||

6. Let people quote the Scriptures and sacrifice to the gods, let them perform rituals and worship the deities, but there is no Liberation without the realisation of one’s identity with the Ātman, no, not even in the lifetime of a hundred Brahmas put together.

सम्यग्विचारतः सिद्धा रज्जुतत्त्वावधारणा ।

भ्रान्तोदितमहासर्पभयदुःखविनाशिनी ॥ १२ ॥

samyagvicārataḥ siddhā rajjutattvāvadhāraṇā |

bhrāntoditamahāsarpabhayaduḥkhavināśinī || 12 ||

12. By adequate reasoning the conviction of the reality about the rope is gained, which puts an end to the great fear and misery caused by the snake worked up in the deluded mind.

अर्थस्य निश्चयो दृष्टो विचारेण हितोक्तितः ।

न स्नानेन न दानेन प्राणायमशतेन वा ॥ १३ ॥

arthasya niścayo dṛṣṭo vicāreṇa hitoktitaḥ |

na snānena na dānena prāṇāyamaśatena vā || 13 ||

13. The conviction of the Truth is seen to proceed from reasoning upon the salutary counsel of the wise, and not by bathing in the sacred waters, nor by gifts, nor by hundreds of Prāṇāyāmas (control of the vital force).


साधनान्यत्र चत्वारि कथितानि मनीषिभिः ।

येषु सत्स्वेव सन्निष्ठा यदभावे न सिध्यति ॥ १८ ॥

sādhanānyatra catvāri kathitāni manīṣibhiḥ |

yeṣu satsveva sanniṣṭhā yadabhāve na sidhyati || 18 ||

18. Regarding this, sages have spoken of four means of attainment, which alone being present, the devotion to Brahman succeeds, and in the absence of which, it fails.

आदौ नित्यानित्यवस्तुविवेकः परिगम्यते ।


शमादिषट्कसम्पत्तिर्मुमुक्षुत्वमिति स्फुटम् ॥ १९ ॥

ādau nityānityavastuvivekaḥ parigamyate |


śamādiṣaṭkasampattirmumukṣutvamiti sphuṭam || 19 ||

19. First is enumerated discrimination between the Real and the unreal; next comes aversion to the enjoyment of fruits (of one’s actions) here and hereafter; (next is) the group of six attributes, viz. calmness and the rest; and (last) is clearly the yearning for Liberation.

शास्त्रस्य गुरुवाक्यस्य सत्यबुद्ध्यवधारणम् ।

सा श्रद्धा कथिता सद्भिर्यया वस्तूपलभ्यते ॥ २५ ॥

śāstrasya guruvākyasya satyabuddhyavadhāraṇam |

sā śraddhā kathitā sadbhiryayā vastūpalabhyate || 25 ||

मोक्षकारणसामग्र्यां भक्तिरेव गरीयसी ।

स्वस्वरूपानुसन्धानं भक्तिरित्यभिधीयते ॥ ३१ ॥

mokṣakāraṇasāmagryāṃ bhaktireva garīyasī |

svasvarūpānusandhānaṃ bhaktirityabhidhīyate || 31 ||

31. Among things conducive to Liberation, devotion (Bhakti) holds the supreme place. The seeking after one’s real nature is designated as devotion.

स्वात्मतत्त्वानुसन्धानं भक्तिरित्यपरे जगुः ।


उपसीदेद्गुरुं प्राज्ञ्यं यस्माद्बन्धविमोक्षणम् ॥ ३२ ॥

svātmatattvānusandhānaṃ bhaktirityapare jaguḥ |


upasīdedguruṃ prājñyaṃ yasmādbandhavimokṣaṇam || 32 ||

32. Others maintain that the inquiry into the truth of one’s own self is devotion. The inquirer about the truth of the Ātman who is possessed of the above-mentioned means of attainment should approach a wise preceptor, who confers emancipation from bondage.

श्रोत्रियोऽवृजिनोऽकामहतो यो ब्रह्मवित्तमः ।

ब्रह्मण्युपरतः शान्तो निरिन्धन इवानलः

अहेतुकदयासिन्धुर्बन्धुरानमतां सताम् ॥ ३३ ॥

śrotriyo'vṛjino'kāmahato yo brahmavittamaḥ |

brahmaṇyuparataḥ śānto nirindhana ivānalaḥ

ahetukadayāsindhurbandhurānamatāṃ satām || 33 ||

33. Who is versed in the Vedas, sinless, unsmitten by desire and a knower of Brahman par excellence, who has withdrawn himself into Brahman; calm, like fire that has consumed its fuel, who is a boundless reservoir of mercy that knows no reason, and a friend of all good people who prostrate themselves before him; -

तमाराध्य गुरुं भक्त्या प्रह्वप्रश्रयसेवनैः ।

प्रसन्नं तमनुप्राप्य पृच्छेज्ज्ञातव्यमात्मनः ॥ ३४ ॥

tamārādhya guruṃ bhaktyā prahvapraśrayasevanaiḥ |

prasannaṃ tamanuprāpya pṛcchejjñātavyamātmanaḥ || 34 ||

34. Worshipping that Guru with devotion, and approaching him, when he is pleased with prostration, humility and service, (he) should ask him what he has got to know:

स्वामिन्नमस्ते नतलोकबन्धो

कारुण्यसिन्धो पतितं भवाब्धौ ।


ऋज्व्यातिकारुण्यसुधाभिवृष्ट्या ॥ ३५ ॥

svāminnamaste natalokabandho

kāruṇyasindho patitaṃ bhavābdhau |


ṛjvyātikāruṇyasudhābhivṛṣṭyā || 35 ||

35. O Master, O friend of those that bow to thee, thou ocean of mercy, I bow to thee; save me, fallen as I am into this sea of birth and death, with a straightforward glance of thine eye, which sheds nectar-like grace supreme.

मा भैष्ट विद्वंस्तव नास्त्यपायः

संसारसिन्धोस्तरणेऽस्त्युपायः ।

येनैव याता यतयोऽस्य पारं

तमेव मार्गं तव निर्दिशामि ॥ ४३ ॥

mā bhaiṣṭa vidvaṃstava nāstyapāyaḥ

saṃsārasindhostaraṇe'styupāyaḥ |

yenaiva yātā yatayo'sya pāraṃ

tameva mārgaṃ tava nirdiśāmi || 43 ||

43. Fear not, O learned one, there is no death for thee; there is a means of crossing this sea of relative existence; that very way by which sages have gone beyond it, I shall inculcate to thee.

सदिदं परमाद्वैतं स्वस्मादन्यस्य वस्तुनोऽभावात् ।

न ह्यन्यदस्ति किंचित्सम्यक्परमार्थतत्त्वबोधदशायाम् ॥ २२६ ॥

sadidaṃ paramādvaitaṃ svasmādanyasya vastuno'bhāvāt |

na hyanyadasti kiṃcitsamyakparamārthatattvabodhadaśāyām || 226 ||

226. It is this Supreme Oneness which alone is real, since there is nothing else but the Self. Verily, there remains no other independent entity in the state of realisation of the highest Truth.

यदिदं सकलं विश्वं नानारूपं प्रतीतमज्ञानात् ।

तत्सर्वं ब्रह्मैव प्रत्यस्ताशेषभावनादोषम् ॥ २२७ ॥

yadidaṃ sakalaṃ viśvaṃ nānārūpaṃ pratītamajñānāt |

tatsarvaṃ brahmaiva pratyastāśeṣabhāvanādoṣam || 227 ||

227. All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman which is absolutely free from all the limitations of human thought.

सत्यं यदि स्याज्जगदेतदात्मनो

ऽनन्तत्त्वहानिर्निगमाप्रमाणता ।

असत्यवादित्वमपीशितुः स्यान्

नैतत्त्रयं साधु हितं महात्मनाम् ॥ २३२ ॥

satyaṃ yadi syājjagadetadātmano

'nantattvahānirnigamāpramāṇatā |

asatyavāditvamapīśituḥ syān

naitattrayaṃ sādhu hitaṃ mahātmanām || 232 ||

232. If the universe, as it is, be real, there would be no cessation of the dualistic element, the scriptures would be falsified, and the Lord Himself would be guilty of an untruth. None of these three is considered either desirable or wholesome by the noble- minded.

ईश्वरो वस्तुतत्त्वज्ञो न चाहं तेष्ववस्थितः ।

न च मत्स्थानि भूतानीत्येवमेव व्यचीकॢपत् ॥ २३३ ॥

īśvaro vastutattvajño na cāhaṃ teṣvavasthitaḥ |

na ca matsthāni bhūtānītyevameva vyacīkḷpat || 233 ||

233. The Lord, who knows the secret of all things has supported this view in the words: "But I am not in them" … "nor are the beings in Me". (Gita 9.4/5)

यदि सत्यं भवेद्विश्वं सुषुप्तामुपलभ्यताम् ।

यन्नोपलभ्यते किंचिदतोऽसत्स्वप्नवन्मृषा ॥ २३४ ॥

yadi satyaṃ bhavedviśvaṃ suṣuptāmupalabhyatām |

yannopalabhyate kiṃcidato'satsvapnavanmṛṣā || 234 ||

234. If the universe be true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false, like dreams.

अतः पृथङ्नास्ति जगत्परात्मनः

पृथक्प्रतीतिस्तु मृषा गुणादिवत् ।

आरोपितस्यास्ति किमर्थवत्ताद्

धिष्ठानमाभाति तथा भ्रमेण ॥ २३५ ॥

ataḥ pṛthaṅnāsti jagatparātmanaḥ

pṛthakpratītistu mṛṣā guṇādivat |

āropitasyāsti kimarthavattād

dhiṣṭhānamābhāti tathā bhrameṇa || 235 ||

235. Therefore the universe does not exist apart from the Supreme Self; and the perception of its separateness is false like the qualities (of blueness etc., in the sky). Has a superimposed attribute any meaning apart from its substratum ? It is the substratum which appears like that through delusion.

मृत्कार्यं सकलं घटादि सततं मृन्मात्रमेवाहितं

तद्वत्सज्जनितं सदात्मकमिदं सन्मात्रमेवाखिलम् ।

यस्मान्नास्ति सतः परं किमपि तत्सत्यं स आत्मा स्वयं

तस्मात्तत्त्वमसि प्रशान्तममलं ब्रह्माद्वयं यत्परम् ॥ २५१ ॥

mṛtkāryaṃ sakalaṃ ghaṭādi satataṃ mṛnmātramevāhitaṃ

tadvatsajjanitaṃ sadātmakamidaṃ sanmātramevākhilam |

yasmānnāsti sataḥ paraṃ kimapi tatsatyaṃ sa ātmā svayaṃ

tasmāttattvamasi praśāntamamalaṃ brahmādvayaṃ yatparam || 251 ||

251. All modifications of clay, such as the jar, which are always accepted by the mind as real, are (in reality) nothing but clay. Similarly, this entire universe which is produced from the real Brahman, is Brahman Itself and nothing but That. Because there is nothing else whatever but Brahman, and That is the only self-existent Reality, our  very Self, therefore art thou that serene, pure, Supreme Brahman, the One without a second.

निद्राकल्पितदेशकालविषयज्ञात्रादि सर्वं यथा

मिथ्या तद्वदिहापि जाग्रति जगत्स्वाज्ञानकार्यत्वतः ।

यस्मादेवमिदं शरीरकरणप्राणाहमाद्यप्यसत्

तस्मात्तत्त्वमसि प्रशान्तममलं ब्रह्माद्वयं यत्परम् ॥ २५२ ॥

nidrākalpitadeśakālaviṣayajñātrādi sarvaṃ yathā

mithyā tadvadihāpi jāgrati jagatsvājñānakāryatvataḥ |

yasmādevamidaṃ śarīrakaraṇaprāṇāhamādyapyasat

tasmāttattvamasi praśāntamamalaṃ brahmādvayaṃ yatparam || 252 ||

252. As the place, time, objects, knower, etc., called up in dream are all unreal, so is also the world experienced here in the waking state, for it is all an effect of one’s own ignorance. Because this body, the organs, the Prāṇas, egoism, etc., are also thus unreal, therefore art thou that serene, pure, supreme Brahman, the One without a second.

लोकानुवर्तनं त्यक्त्वा त्यक्त्वा देहानुवर्तनम् ।

शास्त्रानुवर्तनं त्यक्त्वा स्वाध्यासापनयं कुरु ॥ २७0 ॥

lokānuvartanaṃ tyaktvā tyaktvā dehānuvartanam |

śāstrānuvartanaṃ tyaktvā svādhyāsāpanayaṃ kuru || 270 ||

270. Relinquishing the observance of social formalities, giving up all ideas of trimming up the body, and avoiding too mush engrossment with the Scriptures, do away with the superimposition that has come upon thyself.

लोकवासनया जन्तोः शास्त्रवासनयापि च ।

देहवासनया ज्ञानं यथावन्नैव जायते ॥ २७१ ॥

lokavāsanayā jantoḥ śāstravāsanayāpi ca |

dehavāsanayā jñānaṃ yathāvannaiva jāyate || 271 ||

271. Owing to the desire to run after society, the passion for too much study of the Scriptures and the desire to keep the body in good trim, people cannot attain to proper Realisation.


अयोमायां पादनिबन्धशृङ्खलम् ।

वदन्ति तज्ज्ञाः पटु वासनात्रयं

योऽस्माद्विमुक्तः समुपैति मुक्तिम् ॥ २७२ ॥


ayoMāyāṃ pādanibandhaśṛṅkhalam |

vadanti tajjñāḥ paṭu vāsanātrayaṃ

yo'smādvimuktaḥ samupaiti muktim || 272 ||

272. For one who seeks deliverance from the prison of this world (Samsara), those three desires have been designated by the wise as strong iron fetters to shackle one’s feet. He who is free from them truly attains to Liberation.

अनात्मवासनाजालैस्तिरोभूतात्मवासना ।

नित्यात्मनिष्ठया तेषां नाशे भाति स्वयं स्फुटम् ॥ २७५ ॥

anātmavāsanājālaistirobhūtātmavāsanā |

nityātmaniṣṭhayā teṣāṃ nāśe bhāti svayaṃ sphuṭam || 275 ||

275. The desire for Self-realisation is obscured by innumerable desires for things other than the Self. When they have been destroyed by the constant attachment to the Self, the Ātman clearly manifests Itself of Its own accord.

यथा यथा प्रत्यगवस्थितं मनः

तथा तथा मुञ्चति बाह्यवासनाम् ।

निःशेषमोक्षे सति वासनानां

आत्मानुभूतिः प्रतिबन्धशून्या ॥ २७६ ॥

yathā yathā pratyagavasthitaṃ manaḥ

tathā tathā muñcati bāhyavāsanām |

niḥśeṣamokṣe sati vāsanānāṃ

ātmānubhūtiḥ pratibandhaśūnyā || 276 ||

276. As the mind becomes gradually established in the Inmost Self, it proportionately gives up the desires for external objects. And when all such desires have been eliminated, there takes place the unobstructed realisation of the Ātman.

स्वात्मन्येव सदा स्थित्वा मनो नश्यति योगिनः ।

वासनानां क्षयश्चातः स्वाध्यासापनयं कुरु ॥ २७७ ॥

svātmanyeva sadā sthitvā mano naśyati yoginaḥ |

vāsanānāṃ kṣayaścātaḥ svādhyāsāpanayaṃ kuru || 277 ||

277. The Yogi’s mind dies, being constantly fixed on his own Self. Thence follows the cessation of desires. Therefore do away with thy superimposition.

सद्वासनास्फूर्तिविजृम्भणे सति

ह्यसौ विलीनाप्यहमादिवासना ।


विलीयते साधु यथा तमिस्रा ॥ ३१८ ॥

sadvāsanāsphūrtivijṛmbhaṇe sati

hyasau vilīnāpyahamādivāsanā |


vilīyate sādhu yathā tamisrā || 318 ||

318. When the desire for realising Brahman has a marked manifestation, the egoistic desires readily vanish, as the most intense darkness effectively vanishes before the glow of the rising sun.


न दृश्यते सत्युदिते दिनेशे ।


न वास्ति बन्धो न च दुःखगन्धः ॥ ३१९ ॥


na dṛśyate satyudite dineśe |


na vāsti bandho na ca duḥkhagandhaḥ || 319 ||

319. Darkness and the numerous evils that attend on it are not noticed when the sun rises. Similarly, on the realisation of the Bliss Absolute, there is neither bondage nor the least trace of misery.

न प्रमादादनर्थोऽन्यो ज्ञानिनः स्वस्वरूपतः ।

ततो मोहस्ततोऽहंधीस्ततो बन्धस्ततो व्यथा ॥ ३२२ ॥

na pramādādanartho'nyo jñāninaḥ svasvarūpataḥ |

tato mohastato'haṃdhīstato bandhastato vyathā || 322 ||

322. There is no greater danger for the Jñānin than carelessness about his own real nature. From this comes delusion, thence egoism, this is followed by bondage, and then comes misery.

लक्ष्यच्युतं चेद्यदि चित्तमीषद्

बहिर्मुखं सन्निपतेत्ततस्ततः ।

प्रमादतः प्रच्युतकेलिकन्दुकः

सोपानपङ्क्तौ पतितो यथा तथा ॥ ३२५ ॥

lakṣyacyutaṃ cedyadi cittamīṣad

bahirmukhaṃ sannipatettatastataḥ |

pramādataḥ pracyutakelikandukaḥ

sopānapaṅktau patito yathā tathā || 325 ||

325. If the mind ever so slightly strays from the Ideal and becomes outgoing, then it goes down and down, just as a play-ball inadvertently dropped on the staircase bounds down from one step to another.

विषयेष्वाविशच्चेतः संकल्पयति तद्गुणान् ।

सम्यक्संकल्पनात्कामः कामात्पुंसः प्रवर्तनम् ॥ ३२६ ॥

viṣayeṣvāviśaccetaḥ saṃkalpayati tadguṇān |

samyaksaṃkalpanātkāmaḥ kāmātpuṃsaḥ pravartanam || 326 ||

326. The mind that is attached to the sense-objects reflects on their qualities; from mature reflection arises desire, and after desiring a man sets about having that thing.

अतः प्रमादान्न परोऽस्ति मृत्युः

विवेकिनो ब्रह्मविदः समाधौ ।

समाहितः सिद्धिमुपैति सम्यक्

समाहितात्मा भव सावधानः ॥ ३२७ ॥

ataḥ pramādānna paro'sti mṛtyuḥ

vivekino brahmavidaḥ samādhau |

samāhitaḥ siddhimupaiti samyak

samāhitātmā bhava sāvadhānaḥ || 327 ||

327. Hence to the discriminating knower of Brahman there is no worse death than  inadvertence with regard to concentration. But the man who is concentrated attains complete success. (Therefore) carefully concentrate thy mind (on Brahman).

सम्यग्विवेकः स्फुटबोधजन्यो

विभज्य दृग्दृश्यपदार्थतत्त्वम् ।

छिनत्ति मायाकृतमोहबन्धं

यस्माद्विमुक्तस्तु पुनर्न संसृतिः ॥ ३४५ ॥

samyagvivekaḥ sphuṭabodhajanyo

vibhajya dṛgdṛśyapadārthatattvam |

chinatti māyākṛtamohabandhaṃ

yasmādvimuktastu punarna saṃsṛtiḥ || 345 ||

345. Perfect discrimination brought on by direct realisation distinguishes the true nature of the subject from that of the object, and breaks the bond of delusion created by Māyā; and there is no more transmigration for one who has been freed from this.

इत्थं विपश्चित्सदसद्विभज्य

निश्चित्य तत्त्वं निजबोधदृष्ट्या ।

ज्ञात्वा स्वमात्मानमखण्डबोधं

तेभ्यो विमुक्तः स्वयमेव शाम्यति ॥ ३५२ ॥

itthaṃ vipaścitsadasadvibhajya

niścitya tattvaṃ nijabodhadṛṣṭyā |

jñātvā svamātmānamakhaṇḍabodhaṃ

tebhyo vimuktaḥ svayameva śāmyati || 352 ||

352. The wise man, discriminating thus the real and the unreal, ascertaining the Truth through his illuminative insight, and realising his own Self which is Knowledge Absolute, gets rid of the obstructions and directly attains Peace.

वासनानुदयो भोग्ये वैरागस्य तदावधिः ।

अहंभावोदयाभावो बोधस्य परमावधिः

लीनवृत्तैरनुत्पत्तिर्मर्यादोपरतेस्तु सा ॥ ४२४ ॥

vāsanānudayo bhogye vairāgasya tadāvadhiḥ |

ahaṃbhāvodayābhāvo bodhasya paramāvadhiḥ

līnavṛttairanutpattirmaryādoparatestu sā || 424 ||

424. When the sense-objects excite no more desire, then is the culmination of dispassion. The extreme perfection of knowledge is the absence of any impulsion of the egoistic idea. And the limit of self-withdrawal is reached when the mind-functions that have been merged, appear no more.



Next >

ब्रह्माकारतया सदा स्थिततया निर्मुक्तबाह्यार्थधीर्

अन्यावेदितभोग्यभोगकलनो निद्रालुवद्बालवत् ।

स्वप्नालोकितलोकवज्जगदिदं पश्यन् क्वचिल्लब्धधीर्

आस्ते कश्चिदनन्तपुण्यफलभुग्धन्यः स मान्यो भुवि ॥ ४२५ ॥

brahmākāratayā sadā sthitatayā nirmuktabāhyārthadhīr

anyāveditabhogyabhogakalano nidrāluvadbālavat |

svapnālokitalokavajjagadidaṃ paśyan kvacillabdhadhīr

āste kaścidanantapuṇyaphalabhugdhanyaḥ sa mānyo bhuvi || 425 ||

425. Freed from all sense of reality of the external sense-objects on account of his always remaining merged in Brahman; only seeming to enjoy such sense-objects as are offered by others, like one sleepy, or like a child; beholding this world as one seen in dreams, and having cognition of it at chance moments – rare indeed is such a man, the enjoyer of the fruits of endless merit, and he alone is blessed and esteemed on earth.

परिपूर्णमनाद्यन्तमप्रमेयमविक्रियम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४६४ ॥

paripūrṇamanādyantamaprameyamavikriyam |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 464 ||

464. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, infinite, without beginning or end, transcendent and changeless; there is no duality whatsoever in It.

सद्गनं चिद्घनं नित्यमानन्दघनमक्रियम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४६५ ॥

sadganaṃ cidghanaṃ nityamānandaghanamakriyam |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 465 ||

465. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, the Essence of Existence, Knowledge and Eternal Bliss, and devoid of activity; there is no duality whatsoever in It.

प्रत्यगेकरसं पूर्णमनन्तं सर्वतोमुखम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४६६ ॥

pratyagekarasaṃ pūrṇamanantaṃ sarvatomukham |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 466 ||

466. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, which is within all, homogeneous, infinite, endless, and all-pervading; there is no duality whatsoever in It.

अहेयमनुपादेयमनादेयमनाश्रयम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४६७ ॥

aheyamanupādeyamanādeyamanāśrayam |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 467 ||

467. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, which is neither to be shunned nor taken up nor accepted, and which is without any support, there is no duality whatsoever in It.

निर्गुणं निष्कलं सूक्ष्मं निर्विकल्पं निरञ्जनम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४६८ ॥

nirguṇaṃ niṣkalaṃ sūkṣmaṃ nirvikalpaṃ nirañjanam |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 468 ||

468. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, beyond attributes, without parts, subtle, absolute and taintless; there is no duality whatsoever in It.

अनिरूप्य स्वरूपं यन्मनोवाचामगोचरम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४६९ ॥

anirūpya svarūpaṃ yanmanovācāmagocaram |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 469 ||

469. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, whose real nature is incomprehensible, and which is beyond the range of mind and speech; there is no duality whatsoever in It.

सत्समृद्धं स्वतःसिद्धं शुद्धं बुद्धमनीदृशम् ।

एकमेवाद्वयं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन ॥ ४७0 ॥

satsamṛddhaṃ svataḥsiddhaṃ śuddhaṃ buddhamanīdṛśam |

ekamevādvayaṃ brahma neha nānāsti kiṃcana || 470 ||

470. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, the Reality, the One without a second, the Reality, effulgent, self-existent, pure, intelligent, and unlike anything finite; there is no duality whatsoever in It.

भवानपीदं परतत्त्वमात्मनः

स्वरूपमानन्दघनं विचार्य ।

विधूय मोहं स्वमनःप्रकल्पितं

मुक्तः कृतार्थो भवतु प्रबुद्धः ॥ ४७२ ॥

bhavānapīdaṃ paratattvamātmanaḥ

svarūpamānandaghanaṃ vicārya |

vidhūya mohaṃ svamanaḥprakalpitaṃ

muktaḥ kṛtārtho bhavatu prabuddhaḥ || 472 ||

472. Thou, too, discriminate this Supreme Truth, the real nature of the Self, which is Bliss undiluted, and shaking off thy delusion created by thy own mind, be free and illumined, and attain the consummation of thy life.

समाधिना साधुविनिश्चलात्मना

पश्यात्मतत्त्वं स्फुटबोधचक्षुषा ।

निःसंशयं सम्यगवेक्षितश्चेच्

छ्रुतः पदार्थो न पुनर्विकल्प्यते ॥ ४७३ ॥

samādhinā sādhuviniścalātmanā

paśyātmatattvaṃ sphuṭabodhacakṣuṣā |

niḥsaṃśayaṃ samyagavekṣitaścec

chrutaḥ padārtho na punarvikalpyate || 473 ||

473. Through the Samadhi in which the mind has been perfectly stilled, visualise the Truth of the Self with the eye of clear realisation. If the meaning of the (Scriptural) words heard from the Guru is perfectly and indubitably discerned, then it can lead to no more doubt.


सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपात्मलब्धौ ।

शास्त्रं युक्तिर्देशिकोक्तिः प्रमाणं

चान्तःसिद्धा स्वानुभूतिः प्रमाणम् ॥ ४७४ ॥


satyajñānānandarūpātmalabdhau |

śāstraṃ yuktirdeśikoktiḥ pramāṇaṃ

cāntaḥsiddhā svānubhūtiḥ pramāṇam || 474 ||

474. In the realisation of the Ātman, the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, through the breaking of one’s connection with the bondage of Avidya or ignorance, the Scriptures, reasoning and the words of the Guru are the proofs, while one’s own experience earned by concentrating the mind, is another proof.

बन्धो मोक्षश्च तृप्तिश्च चिन्तारोग्यक्षुदादयः ।

स्वेनैव वेद्या यज्ज्ञानं परेषामानुमानिकम् ॥ ४७५ ॥

bandho mokṣaśca tṛptiśca cintārogyakṣudādayaḥ |

svenaiva vedyā yajjñānaṃ pareṣāmānumānikam || 475 ||

475. Bondage, liberation, satisfaction, anxiety, recovery from illness, hunger and other such things are known only to the man concerned, and knowledge of these to others is a mere inference.

तटस्थिता बोधयन्ति गुरवः श्रुतयो यथा ।

प्रज्ञयैव तरेद्विद्वानीश्वरानुगृहीतया ॥ ४७६ ॥

taṭasthitā bodhayanti guravaḥ śrutayo yathā |

prajñayaiva taredvidvānīśvarānugṛhītayā || 476 ||

476. The Gurus as well as the Śrutis instruct the disciple, standing aloof; while the man of realisation crosses (Avidya) through Illumination alone, backed by the grace of God.


ब्रह्मैव जीवः सकलं जगच्च ।

अखण्डरूपस्थितिरेव मोक्षो

ब्रह्माद्वितीये श्रुतयः प्रमाणम् ॥ ४७८ ॥


brahmaiva jīvaḥ sakalaṃ jagacca |

akhaṇḍarūpasthitireva mokṣo

brahmādvitīye śrutayaḥ pramāṇam || 478 ||

478. The verdict of all discussions on the Vedanta is that the Jīva and the whole universe are nothing but Brahman, and that liberation means abiding in Brahman, the indivisible Entity. While the Śrutis themselves are authority (for the statement) that Brahman is One without a second.

इति गुरुवचनाच्छ्रुतिप्रमाणात्

परमवगम्य सतत्त्वमात्मयुक्त्या ।

प्रशमितकरणः समाहितात्मा

क्वचिदचलाकृतिरात्मनिष्ठतोऽभूत् ॥ ४७९ ॥

iti guruvacanācchrutipramāṇāt

paramavagamya satattvamātmayuktyā |

praśamitakaraṇaḥ samāhitātmā

kvacidacalākṛtirātmaniṣṭhato'bhūt || 479 ||

479. Realising, at a blessed moment, the Supreme Truth through the above instructions of the Guru, the authority of the Scriptures and his own reasoning, with his senses quieted and the mind concentrated, (the disciple) became immovable in form and perfectly established in the Ātman.

किंचित्कालं समाधाय परे ब्रह्मणि मानसम् ।

उत्थाय परमानन्दादिदं वचनमब्रवीत् ॥ ४८0 ॥

kiṃcitkālaṃ samādhāya pare brahmaṇi mānasam |

utthāya paramānandādidaṃ vacanamabravīt || 480 ||

480. Concentrating the mind for some time on the Supreme Brahman, he rose, and out of supreme bliss spoke as follows.

बुद्धिर्विनष्टा गलिता प्रवृत्तिः

ब्रह्मात्मनोरेकतयाधिगत्या ।

इदं न जानेऽप्यनिदं न जाने

किं वा कियद्वा सुखमस्त्यपारम् ॥ ४८१ ॥

buddhirvinaṣṭā galitā pravṛttiḥ

brahmātmanorekatayādhigatyā |

idaṃ na jāne'pyanidaṃ na jāne

kiṃ vā kiyadvā sukhamastyapāram || 481 ||

481. My mind has vanished, and all its activities have melted, by realising the identity of the Self and Brahman; I do not know either this or not-this; nor what or how much the boundless Bliss (of Samadhi) is!

वाचा वक्तुमशक्यमेव मनसा मन्तुं न वा शक्यते

स्वानन्दामृतपूरपूरितपरब्रह्माम्बुधेर्वैभवम् ।

अम्भोराशिविशीर्णवार्षिकशिलाभावं भजन्मे मनो

यस्यांशांशलवे विलीनमधुनानन्दात्मना निर्वृतम् ॥ ४८२ ॥

vācā vaktumaśakyameva manasā mantuṃ na vā śakyate

svānandāmṛtapūrapūritaparabrahmāmbudhervaibhavam |

ambhorāśiviśīrṇavārṣikaśilābhāvaṃ bhajanme mano

yasyāṃśāṃśalave vilīnamadhunānandātmanā nirvṛtam || 482 ||

482. The majesty of the ocean of Supreme Brahman, replete with the swell of the nectar-like Bliss of the Self, is verily impossible to express in speech, nor can it be conceived by the mind – in an infinitesimal fraction of which my mind melted like a hailstone getting merged in the ocean, and is now satisfied with that Essence of Bliss.

क्व गतं केन वा नीतं कुत्र लीनमिदं जगत् ।

अधुनैव मया दृष्टं नास्ति किं महदद्भुतम् ॥ ४८३ ॥

kva gataṃ kena vā nītaṃ kutra līnamidaṃ jagat |

adhunaiva mayā dṛṣṭaṃ nāsti kiṃ mahadadbhutam || 483 ||

483. Where is the universe gone, by whom is it removed, and where is it merged? It was just now seen by me, and has it ceased to exist? It is passing strange!

नमो नमस्ते गुरवे महात्मने

विमुक्तसङ्गाय सदुत्तमाय ।


भूम्ने सदापारदयाम्बुधाम्ने ॥ ४८६ ॥

namo namaste gurave mahātmane

vimuktasaṅgāya saduttamāya |


bhūmne sadāpāradayāmbudhāmne || 486 ||

486. Repeated salutations to thee, O noble Teacher, who art devoid of attachment, the best among the good souls and the embodiment of the essence of Eternal Bliss, the One without a second – who art infinite and ever the boundless ocean of mercy:


पातधूतभवतापजश्रमः ।


नन्दमात्मपदमक्षयं क्षणात् ॥ ४८७ ॥


pātadhūtabhavatāpajaśramaḥ |


nandamātmapadamakṣayaṃ kṣaṇāt || 487 ||

487. Whose glance, like the shower of concentrated moonbeams, has removed my exhaustion brought on by the afflictions of the world, and in a moment admitted me to the undecaying status of the Ātman, the Bliss of infinite majesty!

धन्योऽहं कृतकृत्योऽहं विमुक्तोऽहं भवग्रहात् ।

नित्यानन्दस्वरूपोऽहं पूर्णोऽहं त्वदनुग्रहात् ॥ ४८८ ॥

dhanyo'haṃ kṛtakṛtyo'haṃ vimukto'haṃ bhavagrahāt |

nityānandasvarūpo'haṃ pūrṇo'haṃ tvadanugrahāt || 488 ||

488. Blessed am I; I have attained the consummation of my life, and am free from the clutches of transmigration; I am the Essence of Eternal Bliss, I am infinite – all through thy mercy!

असङ्गोऽहमनङ्गोऽहमलिङ्गोऽहमभङ्गुरः ।

प्रशान्तोऽहमनन्तोऽहममलोऽहं चिरन्तनः ॥ ४८९ ॥

asaṅgo'hamanaṅgo'hamaliṅgo'hamabhaṅguraḥ |

praśānto'hamananto'hamamalo'haṃ cirantanaḥ || 489 ||

489. I am unattached, I am disembodied, I am free from the subtle body, and undecaying, I am serene, I am infinite, I am taintless and eternal.  

अकर्ताहमभोक्ताहमविकारोऽहमक्रियः ।

शुद्धबोधस्वरूपोऽहं केवलोऽहं सदाशिवः ॥ ४९0 ॥

akartāhamabhoktāhamavikāro'hamakriyaḥ |

śuddhabodhasvarūpo'haṃ kevalo'haṃ sadāśivaḥ || 490 ||

490. I am not the doer, I am not the experiencer, I am changeless and beyond activity; I am the essence of Pure Knowledge; I am Absolute and identified with Eternal Good.

द्रष्टुः श्रोतुर्वक्तुः कर्तुर्भोक्तुर्विभिन्न एवाहम् ।

नित्यनिरन्तरनिष्क्रियनिःसीमासङ्गपूर्णबोधात्मा ॥ ४९१ ॥

draṣṭuḥ śroturvaktuḥ kartur bhoktur vibhinna evāham |

nitya nirantara niṣkriya niḥsīma asaṅga pūrṇa bodhātmā || 491 ||

491. I am indeed different from the seer, listener, speaker, doer and experiencer; I am the essence of Knowledge, eternal, without any break, beyond activity, limitless, unattached and infinite.

नाहमिदं नाहमदोऽप्युभयोरवभासकं परं शुद्धम् ।

बाह्याभ्यन्तरशून्यं पूर्णं ब्रह्माद्वितीयमेवाहम् ॥ ४९२ ॥

nāhamidaṃ nāhamado'pyubhayoravabhāsakaṃ paraṃ śuddham |

bāhyābhyantaraśūnyaṃ pūrṇaṃ brahmādvitīyamevāham || 492 ||

492. I am neither, this nor that, but the Supreme, the illuminer of both; I am indeed Brahman, the One without a second, pure, devoid of interior or exterior and infinite.

निरुपममनादितत्त्वं त्वमहमिदमद इति कल्पनादूरम् ।

नित्यानन्दैकरसं सत्यं ब्रह्माद्वितीयमेवाहम् ॥ ४९३ ॥

nirupamamanāditattvaṃ tvamahamidamada iti kalpanādūram |

nityānandaikarasaṃ satyaṃ brahmādvitīyamevāham || 493 ||

493. I am indeed Brahman, the One without a second, matchless, the Reality that has no beginning, beyond such imagination as thou or I, or this or that, the Essence of Eternal Bliss, the Truth.

नारायणोऽहं नरकान्तकोऽहं

पुरान्तकोऽहं पुरुषोऽहमीशः ।


निरीश्वरोऽहं निरहं च निर्ममः ॥ ४९४ ॥

nārāyaṇo'haṃ narakāntako'haṃ

purāntako'haṃ puruṣo'hamīśaḥ |


nirīśvaro'haṃ nirahaṃ ca nirmamaḥ || 494 ||

494. I am Nārāyaṇa, the slayer of Nāraka; I am the destroyer of Tripura, the Supreme Being, the Ruler; I am knowledge Absolute, the Witness of everything; I have no other Ruler but myself, I am devoid of the ideas of "I’ and "mine".

सर्वेषु भूतेष्वहमेव संस्थितो

ज्ञानात्मनान्तर्बहिराश्रयः सन् ।

भोक्ता च भोग्यं स्वयमेव सर्वं

यद्यत्पृथग्दृष्टमिदन्तया पुरा ॥ ४९५ ॥

sarveṣu bhūteṣvahameva saṃsthito

jñānātmanāntarbahirāśrayaḥ san |

bhoktā ca bhogyaṃ svayameva sarvaṃ

yadyatpṛthagdṛṣṭamidantayā purā || 495 ||

495. I alone reside as knowledge in all beings, being their internal and external support. I myself am the experiencer and all that is experienced – whatever I looked upon as "this" or the not-Self previously.


आदित्यवद्भास्यविलक्षणोऽहम् ।


अम्भोधिवत्पारविवर्जितोऽहम् ॥ ४९९ ॥


ādityavadbhāsyavilakṣaṇo'ham |


ambhodhivatpāravivarjito'ham || 499 ||

499. I am beyond contamination like the sky; I am distinct from things illumined, like the sun; I am always motionless like the mountain; I am limitless like the ocean.

रवेर्यथा कर्मणि साक्षिभावो

वन्हेर्यथा दाहनियामकत्वम् ।


तथैव कूटस्थचिदात्मनो मे ॥ ५0६ ॥

raveryathā karmaṇi sākṣibhāvo

vanheryathā dāhaniyāmakatvam |


tathaiva kūṭasthacidātmano me || 506 ||

506. As the sun is a mere witness of men’s actions, as fire burns everything without distinction, and as the rope is related to a thing superimposed on it, so am I, the unchangeable Self, the Intelligence Absolute.

कर्तापि वा कारयितापि नाहं

भोक्तापि वा भोजयितापि नाहम् ।

द्रष्टापि वा दर्शयितापि नाहं

सोऽहं स्वयंज्योतिरनीदृगात्मा ॥ ५0७ ॥

kartāpi vā kārayitāpi nāhaṃ

bhoktāpi vā bhojayitāpi nāham |

draṣṭāpi vā darśayitāpi nāhaṃ

so'haṃ svayaṃjyotiranīdṛgātmā || 507 ||

507. I neither do nor make others do any action; I neither enjoy nor make others enjoy; I neither see nor make others see; I am that Self-effulgent, Transcendent Ātman.

सर्वाधारं सर्ववस्तुप्रकाशं

सर्वाकारं सर्वगं सर्वशून्यम् ।

नित्यं शुद्धं निश्चलं निर्विकल्पं

ब्रह्माद्वैतं यत्तदेवाहमस्मि ॥ ५१३ ॥

sarvādhāraṃ sarvavastuprakāśaṃ

sarvākāraṃ sarvagaṃ sarvaśūnyam |

nityaṃ śuddhaṃ niścalaṃ nirvikalpaṃ

brahmādvaitaṃ yattadevāhamasmi || 513 ||

513. I am verily that Brahman, the One without a second, which is the support of all, which illumines all things, which has infinite forms, is omnipresent, devoid of multiplicity, eternal, pure, unmoved and absolute.


प्रत्यग्रूपं प्रत्ययागम्यमानम् ।


ब्रह्माद्वैतं यत्तदेवाहमस्मि ॥ ५१४ ॥


pratyagrūpaṃ pratyayāgamyamānam |


brahmādvaitaṃ yattadevāhamasmi || 514 ||

514. I am verily that Brahman, the One without a second, which transcends the endless differentiations of Māyā, which is the inmost essence of all, is beyond the range of consciousness, and which is Truth, Knowledge, Infinity and Bliss Absolute.


निष्कलोऽस्मि निराकृतिः ।

निर्विकल्पोऽस्मि नित्योऽस्मि

निरालम्बोऽस्मि निर्द्वयः ॥ ५१५ ॥


niṣkalo'smi nirākṛtiḥ |

nirvikalpo'smi nityo'smi

nirālambo'smi nirdvayaḥ || 515 ||

515. I am without activity, changeless, without parts, formless, absolute, eternal, without any other support, the One without a second.

सर्वात्मकोऽहं सर्वोऽहं सर्वातीतोऽहमद्वयः ।

केवलाक्षण्डबोधोऽहमानन्दोऽहं निरन्तरः ॥ ५१६ ॥

sarvātmako'haṃ sarvo'haṃ sarvātīto'hamadvayaḥ |

kevalākṣaṇḍabodho'hamānando'haṃ nirantaraḥ || 516 ||

516. I am the Universal, I am the All, I am transcendent, the One without a second. I am Absolute and Infinite Knowledge, I am Bliss and indivisible.


भवत्कृपाश्रीमहिमप्रसादात् ।

प्राप्ता मया श्रीगुरवे महात्मने

नमो नमस्तेऽस्तु पुनर्नमोऽस्तु ॥ ५१७ ॥


bhavatkṛpāśrīmahimaprasādāt |

prāptā mayā śrīgurave mahātmane

namo namaste'stu punarnamo'stu || 517 ||

517. This splendour of the sovereignty of Self-effulgence I have received by virtue of  the supreme majesty of thy grace. Salutations to thee, O glorious, noble-minded Teacher, salutations again and again!

महास्वप्ने मायाकृतजनिजरामृत्युगहने

भ्रमन्तं क्लिश्यन्तं बहुलतरतापैरनुदिनम् ।


प्रबोध्य प्रस्वापात्परमवितवान्मामसि गुरो ॥ ५१८ ॥

mahāsvapne māyākṛtajanijarāmṛtyugahane

bhramantaṃ kliśyantaṃ bahulataratāpairanudinam |


prabodhya prasvāpātparamavitavānmāmasi guro || 518 ||

518. O Master, thou hast out of sheer grace awakened me from sleep and completely saved me, who was wandering, in an interminable dream, in a forest of birth, decay and death created by illusion, being tormented day after day by countless afflictions, and sorely troubled by the tiger of egoism.

नमस्तस्मै सदैकस्मै कस्मैचिन्महसे नमः ।

यदेतद्विश्वरूपेण राजते गुरुराज ते ॥ ५१९ ॥

namastasmai sadaikasmai kasmaicinmahase namaḥ |

yadetadviśvarūpeṇa rājate gururāja te || 519 ||

519. Salutations to thee, O Prince of Teachers, thou unnamable Greatness, that art ever the same and dost manifest thyself as this universe – thee I salute.

इति नतमवलोक्य शिष्यवर्यं

समधिगतात्मसुखं प्रबुद्धतत्त्वम् ।

प्रमुदितहृदयं स देशिकेन्द्रः

पुनरिदमाह वचः परं महात्मा ॥ ५२0 ॥

iti natamavalokya śiṣyavaryaṃ

samadhigatātmasukhaṃ prabuddhatattvam |

pramuditahṛdayaṃ sa deśikendraḥ

punaridamāha vacaḥ paraṃ mahātmā || 520 ||

520. Seeing the worthy disciple, who had attained the Bliss of the self, realised the Truth and was glad at heart, thus prostrating himself, that noble, ideal Teacher again addressed the following excellent words:

ब्रह्मप्रत्ययसन्ततिर्जगदतो ब्रह्मैव तत्सर्वतः

पश्याध्यात्मदृशा प्रशान्तमनसा सर्वास्ववस्थास्वपि ।

रूपादन्यदवेक्षितं किमभितश्चक्षुष्मतां दृश्यते

तद्वद्ब्रह्मविदः सतः किमपरं बुद्धेर्विहारास्पदम् ॥ ५२१ ॥

brahmapratyayasantatirjagadato brahmaiva tatsarvataḥ

paśyādhyātmadṛśā praśāntamanasā sarvāsvavasthāsvapi |

rūpādanyadavekṣitaṃ kimabhitaścakṣuṣmatāṃ dṛśyate

tadvadbrahmavidaḥ sataḥ kimaparaṃ buddhervihārāspadam || 521 ||

521. The universe is an unbroken series of perceptions of Brahman; hence it is in all respects nothing but Brahman. See this with the eye of illumination and a serene mind, under all circumstances. Is one who has eyes ever found to see all around anything else but forms? Similarly, what is there except Brahman to engage the intellect of a man of realisation?

कस्तां परानन्दरसानुभूति

मृत्सृज्य शून्येषु रमेत विद्वान् ।

चन्द्रे महाल्हादिनि दीप्यमाने

चित्रेन्दुमालोकयितुं क इच्छेत् ॥ ५२२ ॥

kastāṃ parānandarasānubhūti

mṛtsṛjya śūnyeṣu rameta vidvān |

candre mahālhādini dīpyamāne

citrendumālokayituṃ ka icchet || 522 ||

522. What wise man would discard that enjoyment of Supreme Bliss and revel in things unsubstantial? When the exceedingly charming moon is shining, who would wish to look at a painted moon?

असत्पदार्थानुभवेन किंचिन्

न ह्यस्ति तृप्तिर्न च दुःखहानिः ।


तृप्तः सुखं तिष्ठ सदात्मनिष्ठया ॥ ५२३ ॥

asatpadārthānubhavena kiṃcin

na hyasti tṛptirna ca duḥkhahāniḥ |


tṛptaḥ sukhaṃ tiṣṭha sadātmaniṣṭhayā || 523 ||

523. From the perception of unreal things there is neither satisfaction nor a cessation of misery. Therefore, being satisfied with the realisation of the Bliss Absolute, the One without a second, live happily in a state of identity with that Reality.

स्वमेव सर्वथा पश्यन्मन्यमानः स्वमद्वयम् ।

स्वानन्दमनुभुञ्जानः कालं नय महामते ॥ ५२४ ॥

svameva sarvathā paśyanmanyamānaḥ svamadvayam |

svānandamanubhuñjānaḥ kālaṃ naya mahāmate || 524 ||

524. Beholding the Self alone in all circumstances, thinking of the Self, the One without a second, and enjoying the Bliss of the Self, pass thy time, O noble soul!

मायाकॢप्तौ बन्धमोक्षौ न स्तः स्वात्मनि वस्तुतः ।

यथा रज्जौ निष्क्रियायां सर्पाभासविनिर्गमौ ॥ ५६९ ॥

māyākḷptau bandhamokṣau na staḥ svātmani vastutaḥ |

yathā rajjau niṣkriyāyāṃ sarpābhāsavinirgamau || 569 ||

569. Bondage and Liberation, which are conjured up by Māyā, do not really exist in the Ātman, one’s Reality, as the appearance and exit of the snake do not abide in the rope, which suffers no change.

न निरोधो न चोत्पत्तिर्न बद्धो न च साधकः ।

न मुमुक्षुर्न वै मुक्त इत्येषा परमार्थता ॥ ५७४ ॥

na nirodho na cotpattirna baddho na ca sādhakaḥ |

na mumukṣurna vai mukta ityeṣā paramārthatā || 574 ||

574. There is neither death nor birth, neither a bound nor a struggling soul, neither a seeker after Liberation nor a liberated one – this is the ultimate truth.

इति श्रुत्वा गुरोर्वाक्यं प्रश्रयेण कृतानतिः ।

स तेन समनुज्ञातो ययौ निर्मुक्तबन्धनः ॥ ५७६ ॥

iti śrutvā gurorvākyaṃ praśrayeṇa kṛtānatiḥ |

sa tena samanujñāto yayau nirmuktabandhanaḥ || 576 ||

576. Hearing these words of the Guru, the disciple out of reverence prostrated himself before him, and with his permission went his way, freed from bondage.

गुरुरेव सदानन्दसिन्धौ निर्मग्नमानसः ।

पावयन्वसुधां सर्वाण्विचचार निरन्तरः ॥ ५७७ ॥

gurureva sadānandasindhau nirmagnamānasaḥ |

pāvayanvasudhāṃ sarvāṇvicacāra nirantaraḥ || 577 ||

577. And the Guru, with his mind steeped in the ocean of Existence and Bliss Absolute, roamed, verily purifying the whole world – all differentiating ideas banished from his mind.

संसाराध्वनि तापभानुकिरणप्रोद्भूतदाहव्यथा

खिन्नानां जलकाङ्क्षया मरुभुवि भ्रान्त्या परिभ्राम्यताम् ।

अत्यासन्नसुधाम्बुधिं सुखकरं ब्रह्माद्वयं दर्शयत्य्

एषा शंकरभारती विजयते निर्वाणसंदायिनी ॥ ५८0 ॥

saṃsārādhvani tāpabhānukiraṇaprodbhūtadāhavyathā

khinnānāṃ jalakāṅkṣayā marubhuvi bhrāntyā paribhrāmyatām |

atyāsannasudhāmbudhiṃ sukhakaraṃ brahmādvayaṃ darśayaty

eṣā śaṃkarabhāratī vijayate nirvāṇasaṃdāyinī || 580 ||

580. For those who are afflicted, in the way of the world, by the burning pain due to the (scorching) sunshine of threefold misery, and who through delusion wander about in a desert in search of water – for them here is the triumphant message of Shankara pointing out, within easy reach, the soothing ocean of nectar, Brahman, the One without a second – to lead them on to Liberation. 


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