Sri Suka's Stuthi of Sri Hari - 2nd Skandham


Sri Suka Brahmam's Stuthi to Sri Hari, prior to launching into Bhagavat Katha Sravanam

śrīśuka uvāca

nama parasmai puruāya bhūyase sad udbhava sthāna nirodha līlayā
ghīta śakti tritayāya dehinām antar-bhavāyānupalakya vartmane – 2.4.12

Salute to the Perfect Man of infinite power who by his sport of creating, sustaining and destroying this world, has assumed three powers, viz. Rajas (Brahma) etc.

bhūyo nama sadvjina cchide 'satām asambhavāya akhila sattva mūrtaye
pu puna pāramahasya āśrame vyavasthitānām anumgya dāśue– 2.4.13

I offer my salutations again and again to him who removes the afflictions of the good, who curbs down the growth of the irreligious, who orders all devatas of (akhila sattva mūrtaye) of Sattvic body to bestow fruits (upon the devotees), and who confers the knowledge of the self upon paramahamsas.

namo namaste 'stvṛṣabhāya sātvatā vidūrakāṣṭhāya muhu kuyoginām
nirasta sāmyātiśayena rādhasā svadhāmani brahmai rasyate nama– 2.4.14

I bow again and again to the protector of the Saattvatas (or his devotees) who is beyond the reach of devotion less persons. Salutations to him, who being by nature unequalled and insurmountable, enjoys himself in his natural condition

yat kīrtanaṁ yat smaraṇaṁ yad īkṣaṇaṁ yad vandanaṁ yacchravaṇaṁ yadarhaṇam

lokasya sadyo vidhunoti kalmaṣaṁ tasmai subhadra śravase namo namaḥ– 2.4.15

To sing His praise, to constantly think of Him, to have a glimpse of Him, to bow to Him, to hear about Him and to adore him, instantly purifies one's mind - To Him - subhadra śravase (who confers auspiciousness onto one who hears about Him) namo namaḥ.  

vicakṣaṇā yac caraṇopasādanāt saṅgaṁ vyudasyobhayato antarātmanaḥ

vindanti hi brahma gatiṁ gata klamās tasmai subhadra śravase namo namaḥ– 2.4.16

By resorting to whose feet, the wise men shed off their heart’s attachment here and hereafter, and without any trouble, attain to the state of Brahman - To Him - subhadra śravase (who confers auspiciousness onto one who hears about Him) namo namaḥ.  

tapasvino dānaparā yaśasvino manasvino mantra vidaḥ sumaṅgalāḥ

kṣemaṁ na vindanti vinā yadarpaṇaṁ tasmai subhadra śravase namo namaḥ– 2.4.17

Be he a tapasvi, dānaparā, yaśasvi, manasvi (tattva jnani or person of pure conduct) or mantra vidaḥ (adpet in mantra upasana) - he can’t know ksemam (peace) without offering (the fruit of one’s actions) to Him. To Him - subhadra śravase (who confers auspiciousness onto one who hears about Him) namo namaḥ.

kirātahūāndhrapulindapulkaśā ābhīraśumbhā yavanā khasādaya
ye 'nye ca pāpā yadapāśrayāśrayā śudhyanti tasmai prabhaviṣṇave nama
– 2.4.18

The Kiratas, the Hunas, the Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abheeras, Kakas (Shakas), Yavanas, Khasas and other (sinful) tribes and other sinners are purged of their sins even by taking refuge, in those who depend on him. To that Almighty Lord, we offer our greetings


sa ea ātmātmavatām adhīśvaras trayīmayo dharmamayas tapomaya
gata vyalīkair aja śakarādibhir vitarkya ligo bhagavān prasīdatām– 2.4.19

May the Divine Lord be propitious unto me—the Lord who is (to be meditated as) the Atman, by the knowers of the Atman, as the Supreme Ishwara, by the devotees, as the three Vedas incarnate, by the followers of Karma kanda as the veritable dharma, by the followers of dharma (religion), as the goal (to be achieved), by performers of Tapas, the Lord, whose form is observed with great amazement by sincere worshippers like Brahma, Sankara etc.

śriya patiryajñapati prajāpatirdhiyā patirlokapatirdharāpati

patirgatiścāndhakavṛṣṇisātvatā prasīdatā me bhagavān satā pati– 2.4.20

May the Lord—protector of the good, be gracious unto me—the Lord, who is the master of the goddess of Wealth, the Lord of Sacrifices of all beings, the controller of mental or intellectual faculties, the protector of the worlds, the Lord of the earth, the Lord and protector of Andhaka, Vrsni and Sattvata clans.

yad aghry abhidhyāna samādhi dhautayā dhiyānupaśyanti hi tattvam ātmana
vadanti caitat kavayo yathāruca sa me mukundo bhagavān prasīdatām– 2.4.21

May Lord Mukunda (Krsna) be propitious unto me by constant meditation of whose [Krsna’s] feet, the wise purify their intellect and realize the true nature of the Atman, and whom the wise describe as with attribute or attributeless (according to their taste or capacity).

pracoditā yena purā sarasvatī vitanvatājasya satī smti hdi
svalakaā prādurabhūt kilāsyata sa me ṛṣīām ṛṣabha prasīdatām– 2.4.22

May the most Excellent Sage be gracious to me— the sage who formerly (at the beginning of the creation) extended, i.e. awakened, the memory regarding the (procedure of) creation (of the universe) in the heart of Brahma, and who directed the goddess Sarasvati (the verbal form of the Veda) along with its characteristic supplements (e.g. siksA, vyakarana etc.) to issue from the mouth of Brahma

bhūtairmahadbhirya imā puro vibhurnirmāya śete yadamūu pūrua
bhukte guān oaśa oaśātmaka so 'lakṛṣīṣṭa bhagavān vacāsi me– 2.4.23

May the venerable Lord grace (beautify) my words—the Omnipresent Lord, having created these bodies with five gross elements dwells, within them as antaryaamin and becomes (even etymologically) the real Purusha—one who lies in a town, i.e. body). He illumines and protects the sixteen qualities (i.e. the constituents) of the body (viz. 11 sense organs and 5 elements / or / 5 karma indriya, jnana indriya, prana + mind), by inspiring with life these sixteen.


namastasmai bhagavate vāsudevāya vedhase
papurjñānam aya saumyā yanmukhāmburuhāsavam – 2.4.24

I bow to the venerable Vyasa, the learned author of the Mahabharata etc., from whose lotus like mouth, his gentle disciples drank the honey in the form of knowledge

eta devātmabhū rājan nāradāya vipcchate
vedagarbho 'bhyadhāt sākādyadāha harirātmana
– 2.4.25

Oh King, the Self-born God (Brahma), the source of the Vedas, explained this to the enquiring Narada, which was directly narrated to him (Brahma) by Hari.


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