Sri Narada Stuthi of Sriman Narayana in Santi Parva
The verse numbering are in critical edition format. The content/verses can be found in KMG in section SECTION CCCXXXIX (339) and in Chapter 338 in MN Dutt (Santi Parva). The English translation is from KMG.
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Naaradha Stuthi
12325001 bhīṣma uvāca
12325001a prāpya śvetaṁ mahādvīpaṁ nārado bhagavān r̥ṣiḥ 12325001c dadarśa tān eva narāñ śvetāṁś candraprabhāñ śubhān 12325002a pūjayām āsa śirasā manasā taiś ca pūjitaḥ 12325002c didr̥kṣur japyaparamaḥ sarvakr̥cchradharaḥ sthitaḥ 12325003a bhūtvaikāgramanā vipra ūrdhvabāhur mahāmuniḥ 12325003c stotraṁ jagau sa viśvāya nirguṇāya mahātmane
"Bhishma said, 'Arrived at the spacious realm called White Island, the illustrious Rishi beheld those same white men possessed of lunar splendor (of whom I have already spoken to thee). Worshipped by them, the Rishi worshipped them in return by bending his head and reverencing them in his mind.
Desirous of beholding Narayana, he began to reside there, attentively engaged in the silent recitation of mantras, sacred to him, and observant of vows of the most difficult mind, with concentrated mind, the regenerate Rishi, with arms upraised, stood in Yoga, and then sang the following hymn unto the Lord of the universe, Him, viz., who is at once the soul of attributes and divested of all attributes.
12325004 nārada uvāca
12325004A namas te devadeva [1] niṣkriya [2] nirguṇa [3] lokasākṣin [4] kṣetrajña [5] ananta [6=116] puruṣa [7] mahāpuruṣa [8] triguṇa [9] pradhāna [10]
12325004B amr̥ta [11] vyoma [12] sanātana [13] sadasadvyaktāvyakta [14] r̥tadhāman [15] pūrvādideva [16] vasuprada [17] prajāpate [18] suprajāpate [19] vanaspate [20]
12325004C mahāprajāpate [21] ūrjaspate [22] vācaspate [23] manaspate [24] jagatpate [25] divaspate [26] marutpate [27] salilapate [28] pr̥thivīpate [29] dikpate [30]
12325004D pūrvanivāsa [31] brahmapurohita [32] brahmakāyika [33] mahākāyika [34] mahārājika [35] caturmahārājika [36] ābhāsura [37] mahābhāsura [38] saptamahābhāsura [39] yāmya [40]
12325004E mahāyāmya [41] saṁjñāsaṁjña [42] tuṣita [43] mahātuṣita [44] pratardana [45] parinirmita [46] vaśavartin [47] aparinirmita [48] yajña [49] mahāyajña [50]
12325004F yajñasaṁbhava [51] yajñayone [52] yajñagarbha [53] yajñahr̥daya [54] yajñastuta [55] yajñabhāgahara [56] pañcayajñadhara [57] pañcakālakartr̥gate [58] pañcarātrika [59] vaikuṇṭha [60]
12325004G aparājita [61] mānasika [62] paramasvāmin [63] susnāta [64] haṁsa [65] paramahaṁsa [66] paramayājñika [67] sāṁkhyayoga [68] amr̥teśaya [69] hiraṇyeśaya [70]
12325004H vedeśaya [71] kuśeśaya [72] brahmeśaya [73] padmeśaya [74] viśveśvara [75] tvaṁ jagadanvayaḥ [76] tvaṁ jagatprakr̥tiḥ [77] tavāgnir āsyam [78] vaḍavāmukho ’gniḥ [79] tvam āhutiḥ [80]
12325004I tvaṁ sārathiḥ [81] tvaṁ vaṣaṭkāraḥ [82] tvam oṁkāraḥ [83] tvaṁ manaḥ [84] tvaṁ candramāḥ [85] tvaṁ cakṣur ādyam [86] tvaṁ sūryaḥ [87] tvaṁ diśāṁ gajaḥ [88] digbhāno [89] hayaśiraḥ [90]
12325004J prathamatrisauparṇa [91] pañcāgne [92] triṇāciketa [93] ṣaḍaṅgavidhāna [94] prāgjyotiṣa [95] jyeṣṭhasāmaga [96] sāmikavratadhara [97] atharvaśiraḥ [98] pañcamahākalpa [99] phenapācārya [100]
12325004K vālakhilya [101] vaikhānasa [102] abhagnayoga [103] abhagnaparisaṁkhyāna [104] yugāde [105] yugamadhya [106] yuganidhana [107] ākhaṇḍala [108] prācīnagarbha [109] kauśika [110]
12325004L puruṣṭuta [111] puruhūta [112] viśvarūpa [113] anantagate [114] anantabhoga [115] ananta [116=6] anāde [117] amadhya [118] avyaktamadhya [119] avyaktanidhana [120]
12325004M vratāvāsa [121] samudrādhivāsa [122] yaśovāsa [123] tapovāsa [124] lakṣmyāvāsa [125] vidyāvāsa [126] kīrtyāvāsa [127] śrīvāsa [128] sarvāvāsa [129] vāsudeva [130]
12325004N sarvacchandaka [131] harihaya [132] harimedha [133] mahāyajñabhāgahara [134] varaprada [135=157] yamaniyamamahāniyamakr̥cchrātikr̥cchramahākr̥cchrasarvakr̥cchraniyamadhara [136] nivr̥ttadharmapravacanagate [137] pravr̥ttavedakriya [138] aja [139] sarvagate [140]
12325004O sarvadarśin [141] agrāhya [142] acala [143] mahāvibhūte [144] māhātmyaśarīra [145] pavitra [146] mahāpavitra [147] hiraṇmaya [148] br̥hat [149] apratarkya [150]
12325004P avijñeya [151] brahmāgrya [152] prajāsargakara [153] prajānidhanakara [154] mahāmāyādhara [155] citraśikhaṇḍin [156] varaprada [157=135] puroḍāśabhāgahara [158] gatādhvan [159] chinnatr̥ṣṇa [160]
12325004Q chinnasaṁśaya [161] sarvatonivr̥tta [162] brāhmaṇarūpa [163] brāhmaṇapriya [164] viśvamūrte [165] mahāmūrte [166] bāndhava [167] bhaktavatsala [168] brahmaṇyadeva [169] bhakto ’haṁ tvāṁ didr̥kṣuḥ [170] ekāntadarśanāya namo namaḥ [171]
"Narada said, Salutations to thee, O God of gods, O thou that art freed from all acts! Thou art he who is divested of all attributes, who is the Witness of all the worlds, who is called Kshetrajna, who is the foremost of all Beings, who is Infinite, who is called Purusha, who is the great Purusha, who is the foremost of all Purushas, who is the soul of the three attributes, who is called the Foremost, who is Amrita (nectar), who is called Immortal, who is called Ananta (Sesha), who is Space,
who is without beginning, who is both Manifest and Unmanifest as existent and not-existent things, who is said to have his home in Truth, 3 who is the first of gods (Narayana), who is the giver of wealth (or of the fruits of acts), identified with Daksha and other Lords of the Creation, who is the Aswatthas and other big trees, who is the four-headed Brahman,
who is the Lord of all created Beings, who is the Lord of Speech, 1 who is the Lord of the universe (or Indra), who is the all-pervading Soul, who is the Sun, who is the breath called Prana, who is the Lord of the waters (viz., Varuna), who is identifiable with the Emperor or the King, who is identifiable with the Regents of the several points of the compass, who is the refuge of the universe when it is dissolved in the final destruction,
who is Undisplayed (unrevealed), who is the giver of the Vedas unto Brahman, who is identifiable with the sacrifices and Vedic studies achieved by Brahmanas with the aid of their bodies, who is identifiable with the four principal orders of the deities, who is every one of those four orders, who is possessed of effulgence, who is possessed of great effulgence,
who is he unto whom the seven largest offerings in sacrifices are presented with the Gayatri and other sacred mantras, who is Yama, who is Chitragupta and the other attendants of Yama, who is called the wife of Yama, who is that order of the deities called Tushita, who is that other order called Mahatushita,
who is the universal grinder (Death), who is desire and all diseases that have been created for aiding the advent of Death, who is health and freedom from disease, who is subject to desire and passions, who is free from the influence of desire and passions, who is Infinite as exhibited in species and forms, who is he that is chastised, who is he that is the chastiser,
who is all the lesser sacrifices (like Agnihotra and others), who is all the larger sacrifices (like those called Brahma, etc.), who is all the Ritwijas, who is the origin of all sacrifices (viz., the Vedas), who is fire, who is the very heart of all sacrifices (viz., the mantras and hymns uttered in them),
who is he that is hymned in sacrifices, who takes those shares of the sacrificial offerings that are presented to him, who is the embodiment of the five sacrifices, who is the maker of the five sections or divisions of time (viz., day, night, month, season and year),
who is incapable of being understood except by those scriptures that are called Pancharatra, who never shrinks from anything, who is unvanquished, who is only Mind (without a physical frame), who is known only by name, who is the Lord of Brahman himself, who has completed all the vows and observances mentioned in the Vedas,
who is the Hansa (bearer of the triple stick), who is the Paramahansa (divested of stick), who is the foremost of all sacrifices, who is Sankhya-yoga, who is the embodiment of the Sankhya philosophy, who dwells in all Jivas, who lives in every heart, who resides in every sense,
who floats on the ocean-water, who lives in the Vedas, who lies on the lotus (the image of the egg whence the universe has sprung), who is the Lord of the universe, and whose troops go everywhere for protecting his worshippers.
Thou takest birth as all creatures. Thou art the origin of the universe (of all creatures). Thy mouth is fire. Thou art that fire which courses through the waters of the ocean, issuing out all the while from an Equine head. Thou art the sanctified butter that is poured into the sacrificial fire.
Thou art the car-driver (fire or heat that impels the body and causes it to live and grow). Thou art Vashat. Thou art the syllable Om. Thou art Penances. Thou art Mind. Thou art Chandramas. Thou sanctifiest the sacrificial butter.
Thou art the Sun. Thou art the Dikgajas (Elephants) that are sanctioned in the four cardinal points of the compass. Thou illuminest the cardinal points of the compass. Thou illuminest the subsidiary points also.
Thou art the Equine head. Thou art the first three mantras of the Rig Veda. Thou art the protector of the several orders of men (viz., Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras). Thou art the five fires (beginning with Garhapatya).
Thou art He who has thrice ignited the sacrificial fire called Nachi. 1 Thou art the refuge of the six limbs (viz., the Vedas).
Thou art the foremost of those Brahmanas that are employed in singing the Samans in sacrifices and other religious rites. Thou art Pragjyotish, and thou art he who sings the first Saman. Thou art the observer of those vows that depend upon the Vedas and that are observed by singers of Samanas.
Thou art the embodiment of the Upanishad, called by the name of Atharvasiras. Thou art he who is the topic of the five foremost of scriptures (viz., those that appertain to the worship of Surya, of Sakti, of Ganesa, of Siva, and of Vishnu).
Thou art called the preceptor that subsists only on the froth of water. Thou art a Valikhilya. Thou art the embodiment of him who has not fallen away from Yoga. Thou art the embodiment of correctness of judgment of reasoning.
Thou art the beginning of the Yugas, thou art the middle of the Yugas and thou art their end. Thou art Akhandala (Indra). Thou art the two Rishis Prachina-garbha and Kausika.
Thou art Purusthuta, thou art Puruhuta, thou art the artificer of the universe. Thou hast the universe for thy form. Thy motions are infinite.
Thy bodies are infinite; thou art without end and without beginning, and without middle. Thy middle is unmanifest. Thy end is unmanifest. Thou hast vows for thy abode. Thou residest in the ocean.
Thou hast thy home in Fame, in Penances, in Self-restraint, in Prosperity, in Knowledge, in grand Achievements, and in Everything belonging to the universe.
Thou art Vasudeva. Thou art the grantor of every wish. Thou art Hanuman that bore Rama on his shoulders. Thou art the great Horse-sacrifice. Thou takes' thy share of offerings made in great sacrifices.
Thou art the grantor of boons, of happiness, of wealth. Thou art devoted to Hari., Thou art Restraint of the senses. Thou art vows and observances. Thou art mortifications, thou art severe mortifications, thou art very severe mortifications.
Thou art he who observes vows and religious and other pious rites. Thou art freed from all errors. Thou art a Brahmacharin. Thou took birth in the womb of Prisni. Thou art he from whom have flowered all Vedic rites and acts.
Thou art unborn. Thou pervadest all things. Thy eyes are on all things. Thou must not be apprehended by the senses.
Thou art not subject to deterioration. Thou art possessed of great puissance. Thy body is inconceivably vast. Thou art holy, thou art beyond the ken of logic or argument. Thou art unknowable. Thou art the foremost of Causes.
Thou art the Creator of all creatures and thou art their destroyer. Thou art the possessor of vast powers of illusion.
Thou art called Chittrasikhandin. Thou art the giver of boons. Thou art the taker of thy share of the sacrificial offerings. Thou hast obtained the merit of all sacrifices. Thou art he who has been freed from all doubts, Thou art omnipresent.
Thou art of the form of a Brahmana. Thou art fond of Brahmanas. Thou hast the universe for thy form. Thy form is very vast. Thou art the greatest friend. Thou art kind to all thy worshippers. Thou art the great deity of the Brahmanas.
I am thy devoted disciple. I am desirous of beholding thee. Salutations to thee that art of the form of Emancipation."
( Next Chapter in KMG and MN Dutt)
12326001 bhīṣma uvāca
12326001a evaṁ stutaḥ sa bhagavān guhyais tathyaiś ca nāmabhiḥ 12326001c taṁ muniṁ darśayām āsa nāradaṁ viśvarūpadhr̥k
"Bhishma said, 'Thus hymned with names that were not known to others, the Divine Narayana having the universe for his form showed himself to the ascetic Narada.
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