Key Verses from Valmiki Ramayan (for quick retrieval)
tapaḥ svādhyāya niratām tapasvī vāgvidām varam |
nāradam paripapraccha vālmīkiḥ muni puṃgavam || 1-1-1
kaḥ nu asmin sāṃpratam loke guṇavān kaḥ ca vīryavān |
dharmajñaḥ ca kṛtajñaḥ ca satya vākyo dhṛḍha vrataḥ || 1-1-2
cāritreṇa ca ko yuktaḥ sa^^rva bhūteṣu ko hitaḥ |
vidvān kaḥ kaḥ samarthaḥ ca kaḥ ca eka priya darśanaḥ || 1-1-3
3. kaH chaaritreNa ca yuktaH = appropriate in disposition; kaH sarva bhuuteSu hitaH = who is interested in welfare of all beings; kaH vidvaan = who is an adept one; samarthaH ca = an able one also; kaH ca eka priya darshanaH = who is also uniquely pleasant, to look at.
"Who is appropriate in disposition... who is interested in welfare of all beings... who is adept and also an able one... also uniquely pleasant to look at... [1-1-3]
The adeptness of that person is in his knowing all the knowable aspects in this world, and he must be able to retain that knowledge to translate into his deeds, not just to sit back with his bookish knowledge, but with utmost practicality. His conduct-wise character shall be acceptable i.e., by his lineage he shall be noble, by his education he must be well-read, by his actions they must be conducive to norms laid down in Veda-s, and thus given any area, he should conduct himself properly. And he must be benign not only to higher-ups but to lowly subjects, like Guha, Shabari et al., and he should deal with wrongdoers and right-doers conscientiously. Further, he in his mien he shall be pleasant, but not an unsightly one. The word eka also means 'unique' and thus his complexion, facial, physical structures etc., shall be unique and shall differ from ordinary beings.
kShaNe kShaNe yat navataam upaiti tadeva ruupam ramaNiiyataayaaH 'which / what / who gets newness moment by moment, that alone is pleasant...'
ātmavān ko jita krodho dyutimān kaḥ anasūyakaḥ |
kasya bibhyati devāḥ ca jāta roṣasya saṃyuge || 1-1-4
4. aatmavaan = self-composed; kaH = who is; jita krodhaH = one with controlled ire; dyutimaan = brilliant one; anasuuyakaH = not jealous; kaH = who is; jaata roSasya = with anger born; kasya = of whom; saMyuge = in war; devaaH ca = gods even; bibhyati = are afraid.
"Who is that self-composed one, who controlled his ire, who is brilliant, non-jealous and whom do even the gods fear, when provoked to war... [1-1-4]
etat icchāmi aham śrotum param kautūhalam hi me |
maharṣe tvam samartho.asi jñātum evam vidham naram || 1-1-5
5. etat aham shrotum icChaami = all this I wish to listen; me kautuuhalam param hi = my inquisitiveness is immense indeed; maharShe= Oh! Great Sage - Narada; tvam = you; samarthaH asi = are competent; j~nnaatum = to know; evam vidham naram = [about] this kind of man.
"All this I wish to listen from you, oh! Great Sage, you are competent to know this kind of man, and indeed my inquisitiveness is immense..." Thus Valmiki enquired with Narada. [1-1-5]
The attributes of the hero of Ramayana, as required by Valmiki, are 16; sixteen in number. 1 - guNavaan 2 - viryavaan 3 - dharmaj~naH 4 - kR^itaj~naH 5 - satya vaakyaH 6 - dhR^iDha vrataH 7 - caaritra vaan 8 - sarva bhuuteShu hitaH 9 - vidvaan 10 - samarthaH - 11 - priyadarshana 12 - aatmavaan 13 - jita krodhaH 14 - dyutimaan 15 - anasuuyakaH 16 - bibhyatidevaaH These sixteen attributes are attributed to the sixteen phases of the Full Moon, and Valmiki is about to picture Rama to be as pleasant as a full-moon.
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