Why take a dip in Upanisads ?
There are several stages in the journey of a seeker in Jnana Maarga (or Bhakti Maarga)
Stage 1:-
When we are uninterested or mildly interested in Tattva Vichara (or enquiry into the Truth behind life - its purpose, diversity, goal, Self, God) this world will seem like an important place - undismissable as Asat (UnReal).
Stage 2:-
2. Later, when our enquiry has begun and its slowly sinking in, on account of Guru's grace + Satsangham (i.e. revealing life as changeful phenomena and that God/Self alone is Real - i.e. changless backdrop) then this world will seem like a dream - unsubstantial, in itself - an illusion if you want to call it that or Asat (UnReal - for its ever changing).
- This is when we repeat to ourselves, what Sri Ramakrishna teaches to youngsters in KathAmrita - "God alone is Real, world is Unreal".
In this stage
When we are uninterested or mildly interested in Tattva Vichara (or enquiry into the Truth behind life - its purpose, diversity, goal, Self, God) this world will seem like an important place - undismissable as Asat (UnReal).
Stage 2:-
2. Later, when our enquiry has begun and its slowly sinking in, on account of Guru's grace + Satsangham (i.e. revealing life as changeful phenomena and that God/Self alone is Real - i.e. changless backdrop) then this world will seem like a dream - unsubstantial, in itself - an illusion if you want to call it that or Asat (UnReal - for its ever changing).
- This is when we repeat to ourselves, what Sri Ramakrishna teaches to youngsters in KathAmrita - "God alone is Real, world is Unreal".
In this stage
(A) developing Vivekam, involves study & discussion of scriptures, listening to Guru's distilled guidance.
(B) Vairagyam (detachment) is a function of our mental will power (so Vairagyam or detachment is effort driven - and draws upon limited understanding and limited will power)
Stage 3:-
3. Slowly by Guru Krupa and Atma Krupa - the mind of the Sadhaka - is exposed to the fact that IN SPITE OF its changeful appearance, this world DOES HAVE a changeless basis - Atman - My True Self.
(B) Vairagyam (detachment) is a function of our mental will power (so Vairagyam or detachment is effort driven - and draws upon limited understanding and limited will power)
Stage 3:-
3. Slowly by Guru Krupa and Atma Krupa - the mind of the Sadhaka - is exposed to the fact that IN SPITE OF its changeful appearance, this world DOES HAVE a changeless basis - Atman - My True Self.
This Atman or Self, is indicated by Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam, Brahma. When Sraddha in this Swarupa Lakshanam, dawns - the spiritual journey takes an interesting turn.
This stage in spiritual life is earmarked by our ability to find peace and contentment in our Self/Ishwara - only and attitude in life, is all about facing one's prarabdham (acceptingly & not grudgingly) and trying to recognize T(h)AT Brahman in the cave of our heart - as Pure Awareness.
"etad yo veda nihitaṁ guhāyāṁ so’vidyā-granthiṁ vikiratīha, saumya" -Mu.2.1.10
Stage 4:-
4. Ok. Now we have started to recognize that Atma Chaithanyam which is the Adhistaanam (Changless Substratum). Atman is verily Brahmam. This stage in Jnana Vichaaram is critical in itself - why ? Let's study it from various perspectives.
- (JNANA NISTA Perspective) We have to reconcile all antogonistic pushes and pulls in life, test and trials, prarabdham with the calm conviction that
==> this too shall pass, even as we seek refuge ONLY in Advaita Sathyam (i.e. the Atman which is of the nature of Pure Awareness which I experience in all states - Waking, Dream, DeepSleep, and acts of cognition. This Self as pure consciousness is Divinity - is AmbaaL, is Parameshwara - whom I've adored since childhood).
- (MANAH SANTI Perspective) Our mind (which across several lives has acquired several Vasanas) will continue to react to stimuli from the world - both favorable and unfavorable.
==> But these Vasanas's effectiveness in displacing our calmness, is inversely proportional to the amount of Jnana Vichara we have done till that point, in our lives.
- (KRUPA perspective) Atma Krupa or Bhagavath Krupa is the force which is needed to ensure our past Vasanas, dont hinder the Jnana Vichara that is so essential to being established in Jnana Nista. Krupa is always there but we have to be worthy of it. How?
==>We must develop Sadhana balam and taste for regular Satsangham, prior to embarking into JnAna Vichara, else it's not sustainable. If JnAna Vichara is sustained it implies we have made our minds, worthy of experiencing KRUPA Sakthi.
According to our Sampradhayam is - > Invest time into soaking the mind into Sravanam, Mananam, Nididhyasanam - With Bhagavath Bhakti.
We have to keep giving ourselves the periodic booster shot of mental purification by constantly keeping the company of Sruti (Brahma Vidya Grantham) and Brahma Nista (Sri Bhagavathpaada) - who directly, unequivocally, with great simplicity - indicate to us with (a)irrefutable rationale and (b) proof (in the form of Sruti itself) that we are Brahman, of the nature of Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam, Brahma.
Few Verses from Mundaka Upanisad
nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā, na bahunā śrutena, yam evaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhyas tasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanūṁ svām. - 3.2.3 Mu Up
ayam ātmā - this Self, that has been explained and whose attainment is the highest human goal, is not attained through study of Vedas and scriptures extensively not through intelligence, power of retention of the meaning of scriptures, nor through hearing many things. By what is it reached? That Very Entity - the Supreme Self, is attained by exclusive "hankering" (praarthana - consisting in the pursuit of Truth - I am Brahman, on account of Sraddha - shAstrasya guru vAkyasya satya buddhava dhArana - Vivekachudamani verse 24 ). Not through any other spiritual effort, for It is every Attained.
Anyatyaagena Atmalaabhapraarthanaa eva aatmalaabhasaadhanam (3.2.3 - Mu Up Sa Bhas)
The means for the attainment of the Self consistent in exclusively (i.e. renouncing every other allegiance/distraction), praying for this consummation.
vedāntā-vijñāna-suniścitārthāḥ saṁnyāsa-yogād yatayaḥ śuddhasttvāḥ, te brahma-lokeṣu parāntakāle parāṁṛtāḥ parimucyanti sarve. - 3.2.6 - Mu. Up
vedāntā-vijñāna-suniścitārthāḥ - Those to whom the entity to be known, i.e. the supreme Self presented by Vedantic knowledge has become fully ascertained.
saṁnyāsa-yogād - same as the Yoga of remaining steadfast in Brahman alone (Brahma Nista)
parāṁṛtāḥ - Those to whom Supreme Immortality, the deathless Brahman has become their very Self, those who have become Brahman while living.
Brahman being the All, is not to be approached through spatial limitations. Should Brahman be limited by space, it will have beginning and also end. It will be supported by something else and hence it will be impermanent and a product.
Avidyaadi samsaarabandhaapanayanam eva moksam icchanti bhamavido, na tu kaaryabhootam.
The knowers of Brahman accept only that liberation which consists in the removal of ignorance etc., and not that which is a product.
5. Why Mundaka in particular ?
Study of Mundaka Upanisad is uniquely tailored to meet the demands of the challenges, mentioned above.
The Upanisad not only reveals Advaitam clearly but also builds a narrative which reinforces the approach one must take, to ensure this world of duality does not threaten our Jnana Nista.
It teaches us to first to negate duality to abide in Reality and later see the duality as non-different than the Reality.
This holistic approach - tempered by Sri Sankara's Bhasyam, ensures my mind is immunized from asraddha-vasanas (which can be source of heart-burn in my Vyavahaaram - since suffering only assaults our mind when we forget who we Really are).
In short - Reading Upanisads (in this case - Mundaka) - is like taking immunization shots from time to time, until and unless our Sraddha in our "Swarupam" and in the fact "Sarvam Khaluvidam Brahma" is Paripoornam.
Concluding comments
Some people read certain slokas with the belief that it shall yield certain benefits, same way I Study Upanisads (by seeking refuge in it and our Guru Sampradhaayam), so that I (by God's grace) abide in Swas-swarupa nishta without ever being in conflict with any aspect of life - for how will conflict be possible when I'm all there is ?
Till then....Upanisad athva Brahma Vidya Sharanam...continues unabated by IshvarAnughraham
According to our Sampradhayam is - > Invest time into soaking the mind into Sravanam, Mananam, Nididhyasanam - With Bhagavath Bhakti.
We have to keep giving ourselves the periodic booster shot of mental purification by constantly keeping the company of Sruti (Brahma Vidya Grantham) and Brahma Nista (Sri Bhagavathpaada) - who directly, unequivocally, with great simplicity - indicate to us with (a)irrefutable rationale and (b) proof (in the form of Sruti itself) that we are Brahman, of the nature of Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam, Brahma.
Few Verses from Mundaka Upanisad
nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā, na bahunā śrutena, yam evaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhyas tasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanūṁ svām. - 3.2.3 Mu Up
ayam ātmā - this Self, that has been explained and whose attainment is the highest human goal, is not attained through study of Vedas and scriptures extensively not through intelligence, power of retention of the meaning of scriptures, nor through hearing many things. By what is it reached? That Very Entity - the Supreme Self, is attained by exclusive "hankering" (praarthana - consisting in the pursuit of Truth - I am Brahman, on account of Sraddha - shAstrasya guru vAkyasya satya buddhava dhArana - Vivekachudamani verse 24 ). Not through any other spiritual effort, for It is every Attained.
Anyatyaagena Atmalaabhapraarthanaa eva aatmalaabhasaadhanam (3.2.3 - Mu Up Sa Bhas)
The means for the attainment of the Self consistent in exclusively (i.e. renouncing every other allegiance/distraction), praying for this consummation.
vedāntā-vijñāna-suniścitārthāḥ saṁnyāsa-yogād yatayaḥ śuddhasttvāḥ, te brahma-lokeṣu parāntakāle parāṁṛtāḥ parimucyanti sarve. - 3.2.6 - Mu. Up
vedāntā-vijñāna-suniścitārthāḥ - Those to whom the entity to be known, i.e. the supreme Self presented by Vedantic knowledge has become fully ascertained.
saṁnyāsa-yogād - same as the Yoga of remaining steadfast in Brahman alone (Brahma Nista)
parāṁṛtāḥ - Those to whom Supreme Immortality, the deathless Brahman has become their very Self, those who have become Brahman while living.
Brahman being the All, is not to be approached through spatial limitations. Should Brahman be limited by space, it will have beginning and also end. It will be supported by something else and hence it will be impermanent and a product.
Avidyaadi samsaarabandhaapanayanam eva moksam icchanti bhamavido, na tu kaaryabhootam.
The knowers of Brahman accept only that liberation which consists in the removal of ignorance etc., and not that which is a product.
5. Why Mundaka in particular ?
Study of Mundaka Upanisad is uniquely tailored to meet the demands of the challenges, mentioned above.
The Upanisad not only reveals Advaitam clearly but also builds a narrative which reinforces the approach one must take, to ensure this world of duality does not threaten our Jnana Nista.
It teaches us to first to negate duality to abide in Reality and later see the duality as non-different than the Reality.
This holistic approach - tempered by Sri Sankara's Bhasyam, ensures my mind is immunized from asraddha-vasanas (which can be source of heart-burn in my Vyavahaaram - since suffering only assaults our mind when we forget who we Really are).
In short - Reading Upanisads (in this case - Mundaka) - is like taking immunization shots from time to time, until and unless our Sraddha in our "Swarupam" and in the fact "Sarvam Khaluvidam Brahma" is Paripoornam.
Concluding comments
Some people read certain slokas with the belief that it shall yield certain benefits, same way I Study Upanisads (by seeking refuge in it and our Guru Sampradhaayam), so that I (by God's grace) abide in Swas-swarupa nishta without ever being in conflict with any aspect of life - for how will conflict be possible when I'm all there is ?
Till then....Upanisad athva Brahma Vidya Sharanam...continues unabated by IshvarAnughraham
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