Sri Maata Kausalya's Mangalasasanam for Sri Rama's welfare.

yam pālayasi dharmam tvam dhṛtyā ca niyamena ca |
savai rāghavaśārdula! dharmastvāmabhirakṣatu || 2-25-3

"Oh, Rama! Let that righteousness, which you are fostering with courage and discipline , protect you".

yebhyaḥ praṇamase putra caityeṣvāyataneṣu ca |
te ca tvāmabhirakṣantu vane saha maharṣibhiḥ || 2-25-4

"Oh, son! To whom you will be bowing in salutation at cross-roads and in temples, those along with great saints will protect you in the forest.

yāni dattāni te.a strāṇi viśvāmitreṇa dhīmatā |
tāni tvāmabhirakṣantu guṇaissamuditam sadā || 2-25-5

"All the arms given by the wise sage Viswamitra to you, will ever protect you who are rich in good qualities"

pitṛśuśruṣayā putra mātṛśu śrūṣayā tathā |
satyena ca mahābāho ciram jīvābhirakṣitaḥ || 2-25-6

"Oh, son with magnificent arms! Protected by your service to father and service to mother as well as truthfulness, you will belong-lived"

samitkuśapavitrāṇi vedyaścāyatanāni ca |
sthaṇḍhilāni vicitrāṇi śailā vṛkṣāḥ kuśuphā hradāḥ || 2-25-7
pataṅgāḥ pannagāḥ simhāstvām rakṣantu narottama |

"Oh, Rama, the best among men! May the wooden sticks used for feeding the sacred fire, blades of the sacred Kusa grass and rings of Kusa grass(worn on the forth finger on sacrificial occasions)sacrificial altars , temples and various sites selected by Brahmanas for worship of gods, mountains, trees, bushes, large and deep pools of water, birds, snakes and lions protect you."

svasti sādhyāḥ ca viśve ca marutaḥ ca maharṣayaḥ || 2-25-8
svasti dhātā vidhātā ca svasti pūṣā bhago aryamā |
ṛtavaḥ caiva pakṣāḥ ca māsāḥ samvatsarāḥ kṣapāḥ || 2-25-9

"May the saadhyas and viswadevas (two different kinds of gods) and wind-gods along with eminent sages ensure your happiness. May the cosmic person and the creator bring happiness to you. May the Pusha, Bhaga and Aryama (three of the twelve sons of Aditi)and the guardians of the spheres with Indra as their Head do good to you."

ṛtavaścaiva pakṣāśca māsāssamvatsarāḥ kṣapāḥ |
dināni ca muhūrtāḥ ca svasti kurvantu te sadā || 2-25-10

"May the six seasons, all the fortnights and months, years, nights, days and hours always do good to you.

smṛtir dhṛtiḥ ca dharmaḥ ca pāntu tvām putra sarvataḥ |
skandaḥ ca bhagavān devaḥ somaḥ ca sabṛhaspatiḥ || 2-25-11
sapta ṛṣayo nāradaḥ ca te tvām rakṣantu sarvataḥ |

"May Veda, the Smriti texts taken as one body, the resolution and the piety protect you, my son! May lord Skanda (the younger son of Lord Siva)and the moon god along with the sage Brihaspati(the preceptor of gods), the well known seven sages as well as Sage Narada guard you on all sides."

yāścāpi sarvataḥ siddā diśśca sadigīśvarāḥ || 2-25-12
stutā mayā vane tasmin pāntutvām putra nityaśaḥ |

"May the four quarters along with the glorious guardians of the four quarters which are enlogised by me may protect you always on all sides in that forest."

śailāḥ sarve samudrāśca rājā varuṇa eva ca || 2-25-13
dyaurantarikṣam pṛthivī nadyassarvāstathaiva ca |

nakṣatrāṇi ca sarvāṇi grahāḥ ca sahadevatāḥ || 2-25-14
ahorātre tathā sandhye pāntu tvām vanamāśritam |

" Let all mountains , oceans, king(of oceans) Varuna, heaven and earth, the intermediate space between them , rivers , astrological mansions including gods presiding over them, day and night, the morning and evening twilights may protect you while you reside in the forest ."

ṛtavaścaiva ṣṭpuṇyā māsāḥ samvatsarāstathā || 2-25-15
kalāśca kāṣṭhāśca tathā tava śarma diśantu te |

"The six holy seasons, months, years and the measures of time known as Kala (equilent to one minute) and Kastha(1/30th of Kala or two seconds)bestow you happiness"

mahā vanāni carataḥ muni veṣasya dhīmataḥ || 2-25-16
tavādityāśca daityāśca bhavantu sukhadāḥ sadā |

"Let the heavenly deities and the demons too ever grant happiness on you while you traverse through the large forest, in the guise of a hermit and full of wisdom "

rākṣasānām piśācānām raudrāṇām krūrakarmaṇām || 2-25-17
kravyādānām ca sarveṣam mābhūtputraka te bhayam |

"Oh, son! Let there not be fear for you of demons the terrible ones performing cruel deeds, of devilish beings called Pisachas and of all carnivorous animals."

plavagā vṛścikā daṃśā maśakāḥ caiva kānane || 2-25-18
sarī sṛpāḥ ca kīṭāḥ ca mā bhūvan gahane tava |

"In that impenetrable forest occupied by you, let there be no monkeys, scorpions, gad fies, mosquitoes, snakes or other insects ."

mahā dvipāḥ ca simhāḥ ca vyāghrāṛkṣāḥ ca damṣṭriṇaḥ || 2-25-19
mahiṣāḥ śṛngiṇo raudrā na te druhyantu putraka |

"Oh, son! Let the great elephants , lions with tusks, tigers, bears, terrible he-buffaloes with horns not to be hostile to you.

nṛ māṃsa bhojanā raudrā ye ca anye sattva jātayaḥ || 2-25-20
mā ca tvām hiṃsiṣuḥ putra mayā sampūjitāḥ tu iha |

"Oh, son! Let the other ferocious man-eaters belonging to animal-species, being worshipped by me here, not hurt you."

āgamāḥ te śivāḥ santu sidhyantu ca parākramāḥ || 2-25-21
sarva sampattayo rāma svastimān gacca putraka |

"Oh, Rama, my son! May your path-ways be propitious ! Let your valour be powerful! Go well with all accomplishments!.

svasti te astu āntarikṣebhyaḥ pārthivebhyaḥ punaḥ punaḥ || 2-25-22
sarvebhyaḥ caiva devebhyo ye ca te paripanthinaḥ |

"Let there be security to you against those dwelling in the atmosphere and on the earth as well as against all the celestials as also your enemies."

guruḥ somaśca sūryaśca dhanado.atha yamastathā || 2-25-23
pāntu tvāmarcitā rāma! daṇḍakāraṇyavāsinam |

"Oh, Rama! May Venus and the moon as also the sun and Kubera (the god of wealth) and Yama (the god of death) who are being worshipped by me, protect you, while you reside in the forest of Dandaka"

agnirvāyustathā dhūmomantrāścarṣimukhāccyutāḥ || 2-25-24
upasparśanakāle tu pāntu tvām raghundadana |

"Oh, Rama! May sacred hymns coming forth from fire, air , vapour, and from the mouth of singer of sacred hymns protect you at the time of taking bath."

sarva loka prabhur brahmā bhūta bhartā tathā ṛṣayaḥ || 2-25-25
ye ca śeṣāḥ surāḥ te tvām rakṣantu vana vāsinam |

"Let Siva, the lord of all spheres, Brahma, the lord of creation, Vishnu, the nourisher of beings, the sages and the rest of the celestials may protect you dwelling in the forest.

yan mangalam sahasra akṣe sarva deva namaḥ kṛte || 2-25-32
vṛtra nāśe samabhavat tat te bhavatu mangalam |

"Which felicity occurred in Devendra the thousand- eyed, adored by all celestials when a demon called Vritta was destroyed, let that felicity occur to you"

yan mangalam suparṇasya vinatā akalpayat purā || 2-25-33
amṛtam prārthayānasya tat te bhavatu mangalam |

"Which blessing was invoked by Vinata to Garuda who was setting off to bring nectar in the past , may that blessing happen to you."

amṛtotpādane daityān ghnato vajradharasya yat || 2-25-34
aditirmaṅgaldam prādāt tatte bhavatu maṅgaldam |

"While blessing was bestowed on Devendra, the wielder of the thunderbolt , killing the demons at the time of producing nectar, let that blessing come to you "

tīnvikramān prakamato viṣṇoramitatejasaḥ || 2-25-35
yadāsīnmaṅgaldam prādāt tatte bhavatu maṅgaldam |

"Oh, Rama! Which good fortune occurred to Vishnu who was immensely glorious while making his three strides (in order to measure the three worlds), let that good fortune come to you

ṛtavaḥ sāgarā dvīpā vedā lokā diśścate || 2-25-36
mamgaldāni mahābāho diśantu śubhavaṅgaldāḥ |

"Oh, Rama, the mighty armed! May the seasons , oceans , Dvipas (principal division of earth girdled by oceans ), vedas, various spheres and quarters confer blessings with good luck to you."

iti putrasya śeṣāśca kṛtvā śirasi bhāminī || 2-25-37
gandāṃścāpi samālabhya rāmamāyatalo canā |
oṣadhīm ca api siddha arthām viśalya karaṇīm śubhām || 2-25-38
cakāra rakṣām kausalyā mantraiḥ abhijajāpa ca |

Saying so, Kausalya, the large eyed proud woman placed some unbroken rice grains on her son's head, smeared varieties of sandal pastes over his body, fastened about his wrist by way of an amulet, a herb called Visalyakarani (so called because it helps in painlessly extracting an arrow stuck into one's body) which is efficacious and auspicious and muttered sacred hymns in order to enhance its virtue.

Jai Sri Ram


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