Divine Mother - Uma Haimavati in Kenopanisad

God's delighted in the victory over Asuras. Oblivious of the real cause for the victory - namely Brahman. They took pride in thier so called ability to attain the victory.

To teach them a lesson - Brahman appeared before them as a Yaksha.

Sri Sankara Bhasyam
Then not knowing that this victory and this glory belonged to God who sits in the hearts as the indwelling Self—omniscient, dispenser of the fruits of all works of all creatures, omnipotent, and desirous of encompassing the stability of the world

Noticing this false pride of the devas and thinking, ‘‘In order that the devas may not be thus defeated like the asuras, as a consequence of their vainglory, I shall, out of grace for them, favor the gods by removing their presumptuousness” 

Section - III Kena Upanisad

3. They said to Fire, “O Jataveda, find out thoroughly about this thing as to what this Yaksa is/' He said, “So be it.”

Sri Sankara Bhasyam: 
Jaataveda was first sent -  since he is nearly omniscient,  as he knows about everyone who is born 
i.e. Jaata Veda

4. To It he went. To him It said, “Who are you?” He said, “I am known as Fire, or I am Jataveda.”

5. (It said), "‘What power is there in you, such as you are?" (Fire said), “I can burn up all this that is on the earth."

6. (Yaksa) placed a straw for him saying, “Burn this.” (Fire) approached the straw with the power born of full enthusiasm. He could not consume it. He returned from the Yaksa (to tell the gods), “I could not ascertain it fully as to who this Yaksa is.”

7. Then (the gods) said to Vayu, “O Vayu, find out  thoroughly about this thing as to what
this Yaksa is.” (Vayu said), “So be it.”

8. To It he went. To him It said, “Who are you?”  He said, “I am known as Vayu, or I am Matarisva.”

9. (It said), “What power is there in you, such as you are?”  (Vayu said), “I can blow away all this that is on the earth.”

10. (Yaksa) placed a straw for him saying, “Take it up."   Approached the straw with all the strength born  of enthusiasm. He could not take it up.  He returned from that Yaksa to tell the gods “I could not ascertain It  fully as to what this Yaksa is."

11. Then (the gods) said to Indra, “O Maghava,  find out thoroughly about this thing as to what this Yaksa is.’" (He said), "So be it.” He (Indra) approached It (Yaksa).  From him (Yaksa) vanished away.

Sri Sankara Bhaysam
Indra who is a great Lord, and is called Maghava, because of strength ; approached that Yaksa. Tasmat, from him, from Indra who had approached Itself (Yaksa); that Brahman, vanished from sight. Brahman did not so much as grant him an interview, so that India’s pride at being Indra might be totally eradicated.

12 - Sa tasminnevAkAse striyamAjagAma bahusobhamAnAm umAm haimavateem tAm hovAca kimetadyaksamiti

स तस्मिन्नेवाकाशे स्त्रियमाजगाम बहुशोभमानामुमा्ँ हैमवतीं ता्ँहोवाच किमेतद्यक्षमिति ।। 3.1.12 ।।

In that very space be approached the superbly charming woman, Uma Haimavati. To Her (he said), "What is this Yaksa?”

Sri Sankara Bhasyam :- 
Indra, stayed on, deliberating in his mind, “What is this Yaksa?” He did not return like Fire etc. Understanding his devotion to Yaksa, Knowledge (of Brahman) made Her appearance as a woman, in the form Uma.

Having realized the devotion of Indra ·towards Yaksha, Brahma Vidya assuming the female form, as Uma. lndra went near the exceedingly charming Uma. Of all that fascinates Vidya (Brahma Vidya) is the most fascinating. Hence the epithet 'exceedingly fascinating' (bahushobhamaanam) is quite befitting.

Or Uma Herself is Haimavati, the daughter of Himavat (Himalayas). Thinking that, since She is ever in association with the omniscient Ishwara, She must be able to know, Indra approached Her; (and) tam, to Her, to Uma; uvaca, said, “Tell me, kim etat yaksam iti, what is this Yaksa—that showed Itself and vanished?”


4.1- “It was Brahman’ said She. “In Brahman’s victory, indeed, you became elated thus.”
From that (utterance) alone, to be sure, did Indra learn that It was Brahman.

Sri Sankara Bhasyam :- 
It was only from Uma's words (sÀ brahmeti hovÀca) that Indra learnt it was Brahman (note the emphasis on "only from Uma's words). 

EXT: this shows Brahma Vidya alone reveals Brahman - even if it be self-evident as Atman

4. 2. Therefore, indeed, these gods, viz Fire, Air, and Indra, did excel other gods, for they touched It most proximate, and they knew It first as Brahman.

4. 3. Therefore did India excel the other deities. For he touched It most proximate, inasmuch as he knew It first as Brahman.


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