Most Efficacious path to Sri Hari (Brahman) - as outlined in Uddhava Gita
śrī-uddhava uvāca su-dustarām imāṁ manye yoga-caryām anātmanaḥ yathāñjasā pumān siddhyet tan me brūhy añjasācyuta (Bhag 11.29.1) O Imperishable Lord! It is my considered opinion that the course of yoga as enunciated by you is impractical to those who have no control over their minds. Pray be pleased to elucidate to me (in easily understandable terms) that spiritual path by following which an ordinary person will attain to perfection. śrī-śuka uvāca ity uddhavenāty-anurakta-cetasā pṛṣṭo jagat-krīḍanakaḥ sva-śaktibhiḥ gṛhīta-mūrti-traya īśvareśvaro jagāda sa-prema-manohara-smitaḥ (Bhag 11.29.7) When respectfully asked by Uddhava, who was deeply affectionate to him at heart, Lord Krsna whose sport is the evolution of the universe, who by his shakti has assumed three forms (trimurtis) and is the supreme lord of the universe, with a smile replied as follows : - śrī-bhagavān uvāca hanta te kathayiṣyāmi mama dharmān su-maṅgalān yān śraddhayācaran martyo mṛtyuṁ jayat...