Verse 2.69 - Bhagavad Gita (Reflection)


yā niśā sarvabhūtānāṅ tasyāṅ jāgarti saṅyamī.

yasyāṅ jāgrati bhūtāni sā niśā paśyatō munēḥ৷৷2.69৷৷

2.69 The self-restrained man keeps awake during that which is night for all creatures. That during which creatures keep awake, it is night to the seeing sage.

EXT: This discussion if any, is a wake up call for us (pun unintended J) to not only be devoted to Brahma Vidya but also Sense Control esp vide Niyata Karmanushtaanam!

Swami Vivekanandaji on this verse  - 


"Where it is dark night for the [sense-bound] world, the self controlled [man] is awake. It is daylight for him. ... And where the world is awake, the sage sleeps." (Ibid. 69.) Where is the world awake? In the senses. People want to eat and drink and have children, and then they die a dog's death. ... They are always awake for the senses.

"Where the whole world is awake, the sage sleeps. But where the ignorant are asleep, there the sage keeps awake" (Ibid. 69.) — in the world of light where man looks upon himself not as a bird, not as an animal, not as a body, but as infinite spirit, deathless, immortal . There, where the ignorant are asleep, and do not have time, nor intellect, nor power to understand, there the sage is awake. That is daylight for him.


Swami Chinmayanandaji on this verse : - 


Here, two points-of-view --- of the ignorant and of the wise --- are contrasted. The ignorant person never perceives the world as it is; he always throws his own mental colour on to the objects and understands the imperfections in his mind to be a part and parcel of the objects perceived. The world, viewed through a coloured glass-pane, must look colored. When this coloring medium is removed, the world appears AS IT IS.


Further Discussion on this topic based on Sri Sankara Bhasyam


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