Bhakti ~ The Very Essence of Sangeetham - According to Sadhguru Sri Thiagaraja Swaami

Introduction: List of Key Krithis to Underscore the Importance of Bhakti. 

If not for Bhakti or Jnana Nista (which are the same thing), Samgeetham becomes reduced to just Geetham (or Some-Other-Geetham not Samgeetham :) ) 

swara raaga sudha 
raagam: shankaraabharaNam

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja


svara rAga sudhA rasayuta bhakti svargApavargamurA O manasA
paramAnandamE kamalamupai baka bhEkamu celagEmi manasA

caraNam 1

mUlAdhAra nAda merugutE mudamagu mOkSamurA
kOlAhala sapta svara grahamula gurutE mOkSamurA O manasA

caraNam 2

bahu janmamulaku paini jnAniyai baraguTa mOkSamurA
sahaja bhaktitO rAga jnAna sahitudu muktudurA O manasA

caraNam 3

maddaLa tALa gatula teliyakanE mardincuTa sukhamA
shuddha manasu lEka pUja jEyuTa sUkura vrittirA O manasA

caraNam 4

rajata girIshuDu nagajaku delpu svarArNava marmamulu
vijayamu gala tyAgarAju-DErugE vishvAsinci delusukO O manasA

Devotion blended with the nectar of svara and raga alone is capable of leading one to salvation. How incongruous if a crane and frog (with their cacaphonous outpourings) sit on the lotus of supreme bliss? Understanding the divine nada emanating from the subtle primal source in the body gives one a forestate of the supreme bliss. To identify the subtle and mystic sources of the seven svaras of the musical scale in the body referred to as chakras is verily a yoga leading to salvation. If one bangs the mrdanga wildly without being aware of the intricacies of the rhythmic art, can the result give joy? Likewise, to offer worship to the Lord without mental purity points to a life base and repugnant (as a pig's) It is only after countless births that one is born wise enough to think of liberation and adopt himself to a life of devotion. Yet if any one, naturally devoted to the Lord is also equipped with the knowledge of raga, he attains salvation shortcircuiting the endless cycle of births and deaths. Tyagaraja has been blessed with Swararnava a musical treatise expounded by Lord Shiva to Parvati and is acquainted with the intricacies of music at the highest level. So, with faith in his words, understand these details.  

Comments: In this well-known Sankarabharana song, Svara raga sudha rasa, he says in the Anupallavi: These (meaning the vulgar musicians) are verily the crane and the toad sitting on the lotus called supreme bliss, ' paramAnandamE kamalamupai baka bhEkamu' . They are standing by or squatting on the wonderful lotus flower called the supreme bliss, not knowing that it is so ; they are not the swans and the bees, the ' Nada-sarasiruha-bhringas ' as he says of Narada, that know how to enjoy the ambrosial Rasa of that lotus of bliss  

mariyaadha gaadhuraa 

raagam: shankaraabharaNam 
taaLam: aadi 
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu


mariyAda gAdurA


karuNAkara vArini vIrini sarijEsi cucunDEdi


rAgamu tALamu rakti bhakti yOgamu mari anurAgamu lEni
bhAgavatulu darashayananulE gAni tyAgarAjArcita tAraka carita

Comments: In his Sankarabharana Kriti, Mariyadagadura, he says that Bhagavatas who understand neither Raga nor Tula, who have no love or devotion, knowledge or yogic practice are only destined to be born again and again in this Samsaaram. 


raagam: aarabi

taaLam: dEshaadi 
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu


nA moralanu vini emara valEnA pAmara manujulalO O rAma

tOmara nAracamulai manasuku dOcenA bhakta pApa vimOcana

caraNam 1
ibha rAjEndruDu yekkuvaina lanca miccuna dEmirA
sabhalO mAnamu bOvu samayambuna sati EmiccEnura O rAma

caraNam 2
bhAgavatAgrEsara rasikAvana jAgarUkuDani pErE
rAga svara yuta prEma bhaktajana rakSaka tyAgarAja vandita

Comments:  Those Bhagavatas who are also Rasikas, endowed with taste, become the object of the Lord's protective grace : Bhagavatagresararasika-avana


raagam: shuruTTi

taaLam: dEshaadi 
Composer: Tyaagaraaja 
Language: Telugu

gItArthamu sangItAnandamu nI tAvuna jUDarA O manasA

sItApati caraNAbujamu niDukonna vAtAtmajuniki bAga dElusurA

hari hara bhAskara kAlAdi karmamulanu matamula marmamula neringina
hari vara rUpuDu harahaya vinutuDu vara tyAgarAja varaduDu sukhirA

O Mind! To understand the significance (arthamu) of the (Bhagavad) Gita and the bliss (ananda) of music, you have only to delve deep into your heart and behold them in their Supreme grandeur. Sri Anjaneya (Vataatmaja) is an eternal witness of this truth, since he treasures the blessed feet (charana) of the Lord (pati) of Sita in the innermost recesses of his heart. Anjaneya is well versed in the five creeds centered around Hari, Hara, Aditya, eternal time Kala and the Karma. This gem of a devotee, beloved of the Lord, worshiped by Indra is in perpetual bliss and ecstasy.

raaga sudaarasa

raagam: aandOLikaa
taaLam: dEshaadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu

rAga sudhArasa pAnamu jEsi rAjillavE manasA

yAga yOga tyAga bhOga phala mosangE

sadAshiva mayamagu nAdOnkAra svara vidulu jIvan muktulani tyAgarAju teliyu

Drinking the ever tasteful essence of raaga, why don't you rejoice, O mind! It gives the fruit of ritual, mediation (union), sacrifice, and enjoyment all together! As known to Tyagaraja, the jivanmuktas are those who enjoy the melody that is the glorious form of SadAshiva, that is the sound of tuneful Omkara.

ananda saagara

raagam: garuDadhvani
taaLam: dEshaadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu

Ananda sAgara mIdani dEhamu bhUmi bhAramu; rAma! bramh

shrInayakAkhila naigamAshrita sangIta jnyAnamanu bramh

shrI vishvanAthAdi shrIkAnta vidhulu pAvanamUrtulu pAsinca lEdA?
bhAvinci rAga layAdula bhajiyincE shrI tyAgarAjanuta

Lord of Lakshmi! This human body which does not swim in the ocean of divine music emanating from Veda as their source is a mere burden to the earth. Have not the trinity, Vishvanatha, Vishnu and Brahma and other divine souls worshipped through Raga-Laya of music?

nee bhakthi baagya 

raagam: jayamanOhari

taaLam: caapu 
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu

nI bhakti bhAgya sudhA nIdEdE janmamu

bhU-bhAramu gAni sura bhUsuralai janincina

vEdOktambau karmamu vEtagalgu gatAgatamau nAdAtmaka tyAgarAja nAtha prEmaya sadA

Comments: In his Jayamanohari song, Ni bhahtibhagyasudha, he says that the mere performance of Vedic rituals will only increase distress and entail further bondage of birth and death. He refers to Swaami as "nAdAtmaka ; tyAgarAja nAtha ;"
Here the emphasis is on Ananya Bhakti - not Karma Mishrita Bhakti....


raamabhakti saamrajya

raagam: sudda bangaaLa

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Tyaagaraajaa
Language: Telugu

rAma bhakti sAmrAjyam EmAnavula kabbenO manasA

AmAnavula sandarshana matyanta brahmANDamE

ilAgani vivarimpa lEnu cAla svAnubhava vEdyamE
lIlA shrSTa jagatrayamE kOlAhala tyAgarAja nutuDaku

O Mind! Who are the blessed souls who have attained the Kingdom of devotion for SrI RAma? The mere sight of those sublime souls who have been blessed with the kingdom of devotion to RAma is capable of conferring Supreme Bliss, here and hereafter. This Bliss is beyond words. It can only be experienced by those who endear themselves to Him by unswerving devotion to Him. He has created the three worlds for His diversion.


Spiritual Heritage of Thyagaraja - Sri Ramakrishna Mutt


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