Select Verses for Contemplation on Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2018

Sri Krishnam Vande Jagad Gurum

Two verses ear-maked by Swami Vivekananda to rouse us out of our Tamasic Disposition
Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha:
Kutastwaa kashmalam idam vishame samupasthitam; 
Anaaryajushtam aswargyam akeertikaram arjuna.
The Blessed Lord said:
2. Whence is this perilous strait come upon thee, this dejection which is unworthy of thee, disgraceful, and which will close the gates of heaven upon thee, O Arjuna?

Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha naitat twayyupapadyate; 
Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam tyaktwottishtha parantapa.
3. Yield not to impotence, O Arjuna, son of Pritha! It does not befit thee. Cast off this mean weakness of the heart. Stand up, O scorcher of foes!

What is the chief characteristic of a resolute seeker ?
II 41
Vyavasaayaatmikaa buddhir ekeha kurunandana; 
Bahushaakhaa hyanantaashcha buddhayo’vyavasaayinaam.

"O Arjuna! In those following this path, the Buddhi (the understanding) that has the nature of producing conviction, is directed towards a single objective. In those without any spiritual conviction, the understanding gets scattered and pursues countless ends."

What should a Jnana Marga Seeker find refuge (Sharanam) in ?
II 49
Doorena hyavaram karma buddhiyogaad dhananjaya; 
Buddhau sharanamanwiccha kripanaah phalahetavah.

"O Arjuna, mere action (with attachment) is far inferior to action done with the mind poised in evenness. Seek shelter in this state of unperturbed evenness (which can arise only in a desireless mind in communion with the Divine). Those who work for selfish gains are indeed pitiable."

What enables one to free oneself, even in this world, from the effects of actions ?
II 50
Buddhiyukto jahaateeha ubhe sukrita dushkrite; 
Tasmaad yogaaya yujyaswa yogah karmasu kaushalam.
"One endowed with this unperturbed evenness of mind abandons the effects of both good and bad actions even here itself. Therefore strive for this state of Yoga. Yoga is skill in action."

II 51
Karmajam buddhiyuktaa hi phalam tyaktwaa maneeshinah; 
Janmabandha vinirmuktaah padam gacchantyanaamayam.
"Wise men, established thus in the unperturbed evenness of mind, abandon the fruits of action, free themselves from entanglement in the cycle of births and deaths, and attain to the state of freedom from all sorrow (liberation)."

What enables one to overcome delusion ?
II 52
Yadaa te mohakalilam buddhir vyatitarishyati; 
Tadaa gantaasi nirvedam shrotavyasya shrutasya cha.
When you have overcome the delusions of your understanding sprung from self-centred attachment, then you attain to a state of indifference towards what has been heard (experienced) and what has yet to be heard (experienced)

What enables one to remain steady amidst confusing challenges? How to practically apply Vedanta?
II 53
Shrutivipratipannaa te yadaa sthaasyati nishchalaa; 
Samaadhaavachalaa buddhistadaa yogam avaapsyasi.
"When your intellect, fed up with the bewildering scriptural doctrines and their interpretations, settles (finally) in steady and unwavering introspection, then you will attain to real Yoga."

What, if lost, Man is utterly ruined ? 
II 63
Krodhaad bhavati sammohah sammohaat smriti vibhramah; 
Smritibhramshaad buddhinaasho buddhinaashaat pranashyati.
"Anger generates delusion, and delusion results in loss of memory.  Loss of memory brings about the destruction of discriminative intelligence, and loss of discriminative intelligence spells ruin to a man."

What does the peaceful state of mind imply?
II 65
Prasaade sarvaduhkhaanaam haanir asyopajaayate; 
Prasannachetaso hyaashu buddhih paryavatishthate.
"On attaining tranquillity all one's sorrows come to an end. For soon does the intellect of a tranquil person become steady."

How to attain peace and happiness in this world ?
II 66,70,71,72
Naasti buddhir ayuktasya na chaayuktasya bhaavanaa; 
Na chaabhaavayatah shaantir ashaantasya kutah sukham.
"A man of uncontrolled senses has no spiritual comprehension. He has no capacity for meditation either. For the unmeditative there is no peace. And where is happiness for one without peace of mind?"
Aapooryamaanam achalapratishtham 
    Samudram aapah pravishanti yadwat; 
Tadwat kaamaa yam pravishanti sarve 
    Sa shaantim aapnoti na kaamakaami.
70. He attains peace into whom all desires enter as waters enter the ocean, which, filled from all sides, remains unmoved; but not the man who is full of desires.
Vihaaya kaamaan yah sarvaan pumaamshcharati nihsprihah; 
Nirmamo nirahankaarah sa shaantim adhigacchati.
71. The man attains peace, who, abandoning all desires, moves about without longing, without the sense of mine and without egoism.
Eshaa braahmee sthitih paartha nainaam praapya vimuhyati; 
Sthitwaasyaamantakaale’pi brahmanirvaanamricchati.
72. This is the Brahmic seat (eternal state), O son of Pritha! Attaining to this, none is deluded. Being established therein, even at the end of life one attains to oneness with Brahman.

Pravriti Margam - Path of Action in World outside was initiated by Lord Prajaapati himself
Sahayajnaah prajaah srishtwaa purovaacha prajaapatih; 
Anena prasavishyadhwam esha vo’stvishtakaamadhuk.
3.10. The Creator, having in the beginning of creation created mankind together with sacrifice, said: “By this shall ye propagate; let this be the milch cow of your desires (the cow which yields the desired objects)”.

Sri Krishna Himself Sets the Example for  detached action
Na me paarthaasti kartavyam trishu lokeshu kinchana; 
Naanavaaptam avaaptavyam varta eva cha karmani.
3.22. There is nothing in the three worlds, O Arjuna, that should be done by Me, nor is there anything unattained that should be attained; yet I engage Myself in action!

What one faculty in the ignorant, should on any account be unsettled ? 
III 26
Na buddhibhedam janayed ajnaanaam karmasanginaam; 
Joshayet sarva karmaani vidwaan yuktah samaacharan.
"An enlightened man should not cause confusion in the minds of ignorant people (by his conduct), Himself working with equanimity, he should make them interested in all activities."

What is the supreme among the faculties in a man ? 
III 42
Indriyaani paraanyaahur indriyebhyah param manah; 
Manasastu paraa buddhir yo buddheh paratastu sah.
"The senses are great, they say. Superior to the senses is the mind, and superior even to the mind is the intellect. What is superior even to the intellect is He, the Atman."

What is necessary to reach God ?
III 43
Evam buddheh param buddhwaa samstabhyaatmaanam aatmanaa; 
Jahi shatrum mahaabaaho kaamaroopam duraasadam.
"Thus knowing Him who is superior even to the Buddhi, and controlling the lower self with the higher, kill that tough enemy in the form of lust, O mighty-armed Arjuna!"

Secret and Purpose of Divine Incarnation
Yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya glaanir bhavati bhaarata; 
Abhyutthaanam adharmasya tadaatmaanam srijaamyaham.
7. Whenever there is a decline of righteousness, O Arjuna, and rise of unrighteousness, then I manifest Myself!
Paritraanaaya saadhoonaam vinaashaaya cha dushkritaam; 
Dharma samsthaapanaarthaaya sambhavaami yuge yuge.
8. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age.
Janma karma cha me divyam evam yo vetti tattwatah; 
Tyaktwa deham punarjanma naiti maameti so’rjuna.
9. He who thus knows in true light My divine birth and action, after having abandoned the body is not born again; he comes to Me, O Arjuna!
Veetaraagabhayakrodhaa manmayaa maam upaashritaah; 
Bahavo jnaana tapasaa pootaa madbhaavam aagataah.
10. Freed from attachment, fear and anger, absorbed in Me, taking refuge in Me, purified by the fire of knowledge, many have attained to My Being.

What is the benefit of the knowledge of action and inaction ?
IV 18
Karmanyakarma yah pashyed akarmani cha karma yah; 
Sa buddhimaan manushyeshu sa yuktah kritsnakarmakrit.
" He who sees work in 'no work' and 'no work' in work, he is wise among men. Even while doing all work, he remains established in Yoga."

If one has learnt the secret of action and inaction, how then shall he work (so as to melt the bondage of all actions)?
IV. 24
Brahmaarpanam brahmahavirbrahmaagnau brahmanaa hutam; 
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarmasamaadhinaa.

Brahman is the oblation; Brahman is the melted butter (ghee); by Brahman is the oblation poured into the fire of Brahman; Brahman verily shall be reached by him who always sees Brahman in action.

COMMENTARY: This is wisdom-sacrifice, wherein the idea of Brahman is substituted for the ideas of the instrument and other accessories of action, the idea of action itself and its results. By having such an idea the whole action melts away.

Compare with Isavasya Upanisad verse 1
Om Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkiñca jagatyam jagat |
tena tyaktena bhuñjitha ma grdhah kasyasvid dhanam 
$\Vert$ 1 $\Vert$
(Know that) all this, whatever moves in this moving world, is enveloped by God. Therefore find your enjoyment in renunciation; do not covet what belongs to others.

How is one firmly established in Swarupa Nista ? 
IV. 39
Shraddhaavaan labhate jnaanam tatparah samyatendriyah; 
Jnaanam labdhvaa paraam shaantim achirenaadhigacchati.
The man who is full of faith, who is devoted to it, and who has subdued all the senses, obtains (this) knowledge; and, having obtained the knowledge, he goes at once to the supreme peace.

Which helps one best to fix one's mind on God ? 
V 17
Tadbuddhayas tadaatmaanas tannishthaas tatparaayanaah; 
Gacchantyapunaraavrittim jnaana nirdhoota kalmashaah.
Their intellect absorbed in That, their self being That; established in That, with That as their supreme goal, they go whence there is no return, their sins dispelled by knowledge.

What is that which can grasp the Reality, the source of endless bliss (anandam)?
VI 21
Sukhamaatyantikam yattad buddhi graahyamateendriyam; 
Vetti yatra na chaivaayam sthitashchalati tattwatah.
" In which he (the Yogin) experiences that endless bliss which is beyond the ken of the senses but is intuited by the purified intellect; wherein established, one does not waver from the Truth."

What enables one step by step to establish oneself in Highest ?
VI 24-25
Sankalpaprabhavaan kaamaan styaktwaa sarvaan asheshatah; 
Manasaivendriyagraamam viniyamya samantatah.
Shanaih shanairuparamed buddhyaa dhritigriheetayaa; 
Aatmasamstham manah kritwaa na kinchidapi chintayet.

" Abandoning imagination - born longings in their entirety, restraining all the senses with the mind on every side, and setting that mind firmly on the Self under the direction of a steadfast intellect, one should practise tranquillity little by little, and abstain from every kind of thought."

Spiritual practices of one life never goes in waste
VI 43
Tatra tam buddhisamyogam labhate paurvadehikam; 
Yatate cha tato bhooyah samsiddhau kurunandana.
"There, O scion of the clan of Kurus! he will regain the spiritual discernment of his previous birth, and then he will strive harder than ever for perfection."

How to recognize the divine spark in man?
VII 10
Beejam maam sarvabhootaanaam viddhi paartha sanaatanam; 
Buddhir buddhimataamasmi tejastejaswinaamaham.
" Know me, O Partha! to be the eternal seed of all beings. In the wise I am their wisdom and in puissant men, their prowess."

How to view Divine incarnation and how not to?
VII 24
Avyaktam vyaktimaapannam manyante maamabuddhayah; 
Param bhaavamajaananto mamaavyayamanuttamam.
"Without any insight into My transcendental nature, unique and immutable, men of little understanding look upon Me as a mere human individual, having come into manifestation from an unmanifested state."

What is the Royal Vidya (Brahma Vidya) by attaining which there is not return to duality?
Raajavidyaa raajaguhyam pavitramidamuttamam; 
Pratyakshaavagamam dharmyam susukham kartumavyayam.
This is the kingly science, the kingly secret, the supreme purifier, realisable by direct intuitional knowledge, according to righteousness, very easy to perform and imperishable.

Ashraddhadhaanaah purushaa dharmasyaasya parantapa; 
Apraapya maam nivartante mrityusamsaaravartmani.
Those who have no faith in this Dharma (knowledge of the Self), O Parantapa (Arjuna), return to the path of this world of death without attaining Me!

What are the much needed attributed of mind?
X 4
Buddhir jnaanamasammohah kshamaa satyam damah shamah; 
Sukham duhkham bhavo’bhaavo bhayam chaabhayameva cha.
Intelligence, wisdom, non-delusion, forgiveness, truth, control of the external organs, control of the internal organs, happiness, sorrow, birth, death and fear as also fearlessness

What does God grant his devotee?
X 10
Teshaam satatayuktaanaam bhajataam preetipoorvakam; 
Dadaami buddhiyogam tam yena maamupayaanti te.
To them who are ever steadfast, worshipping Me with love, I give the Yoga of discrimination by which they come to Me.

What teaching according to Sri Sankara Bhagavathpaada is the essence of Gita and ought to be followed by one and all?
Matkarmakrinmatparamo madbhaktah sangavarjitah; 
Nirvairah sarvabhooteshu yah sa maameti paandava.
11.55. He who does all actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the Supreme, who is devoted to Me, who is free from attachment, who bears enmity towards no creature, he comes to Me, O Arjuna!

What makes one above all else, dear to the Lord ?
XII 14
Santushtah satatam yogee yataatmaa dridhanishchayah; 
Mayyarpitamanobuddhiryo madbhaktah sa me priyah.
" He who is ever content, who is a yogi, who has self-control, who has firm conviction, who has dedicated his mind and intellect to Me-he who is such a devotee of Mine is dear to Me."

What  is THE KNOWLEDGE according to Sri Krishna?
Kshetrajnam chaapi maam viddhi sarvakshetreshu bhaarata; 
Kshetrakshetrajnayor jnaanam yattat jnaanam matam mama.
Do thou also know Me as the Knower of the Field in all fields, O Arjuna! Knowledge of both the Field and the Knower of the Field is considered by Me to be the knowledge.

What is that in man in which "the light of lights is implanted" ?
Jyotishaamapi tajjyotistamasah paramuchyate; 
Jnaanam jneyam jnaanagamyam hridi sarvasya vishthitam.
"The self-luminous light of consciousness revealing even all that is luminous. He is beyond obscuration by the darkness of ignorance. He, the light of knowledge. He, the quest of knowledge. He, the way to whom is knowledge - in the innermost recess of all beings is He established."

What in man is considered by the Lord as his worthy seat ?
XV 15
Sarvasya chaaham hridi sannivishto 
    Mattah smritir jnaanam apohanam cha; 
Vedaischa sarvairahameva vedyo 
    Vedaantakrid vedavid eva chaaham.
"I am seated in the hearts of all. From Me are memory, knowledge and their loss. I alone am the object to be known through all the Vedas; I am also the originator of the Vedanta, and I Myself am the knower of the Vedas"

What does one become when one knows the most secret of all sciences ? 
XV 20
Iti guhyatamam shaastram idamuktam mayaa’nagha; 
Etadbuddhwaa buddhimaan syaat kritakrityashcha bhaarata.
"O sinless one, this most secret scripture has thus been uttered by Me. Understanding this, one becomes wise and has his duties fulfilled, O scion of the Bharata dynasty"

What key quality defines a person?
Sattwaanuroopaa sarvasya shraddhaa bhavati bhaarata; 
Shraddhaamayo’yam purusho yo yacchraddhah sa eva sah.
The faith of each is in accordance with his nature, O Arjuna! The man consists of his faith; as a man’s faith is, so is he.

What is three fold Saatvik Tapas?
Devadwijagurupraajna poojanam shauchamaarjavam; 
Brahmacharyamahimsaa cha shaareeram tapa uchyate.
14. Worship of the gods, the twice-born, the teachers and the wise, purity, straightforwardness, celibacy and non-injury—these are called the austerities of the body.

Anudwegakaram vaakyam satyam priyahitam cha yat; 
Swaadhyaayaabhyasanam chaiva vaangmayam tapa uchyate.
15. Speech which causes no excitement and is truthful, pleasant and beneficial, the practice of the study of the Vedas, are called austerity of speech.

Manahprasaadah saumyatwam maunamaatmavinigrahah; 
Bhaavasamshuddhirityetat tapo maanasamuchyate.
16. Serenity of mind, good-heartedness, purity of nature, self-control—this is called mental austerity.

What is that which if perverted one cannot see the truth ?
Tatraivam sati kartaaram aatmaanam kevalam tu yah; 
Pashyatyakritabuddhitwaan na sa pashyati durmatih.
" Anyone, who, owing to the imperfection of his intellect, perceives the absolute Self as the agent, that man does not perceive (properly), and has a perverted intellect"

What is that if untainted, keeps one pure irrespective of one's actions?
Yasya naahankrito bhaavo buddhiryasya na lipyate; 
Hatwaapi sa imaam llokaan na hanti na nibadhyate.
"He who is ever established in the feeling 'I am not the agent' and whose mind is consequently unsullied by attachments - he kills not really, nor is he bound, even though he annihilates all these beings."

What is that which enables one to attain liberation from bondage ?
Pravrittim cha nivrittim cha karyaakaarye bhayaabhaye; 
Bandhammoksham cha yaa vetti buddhih saa paartha saattwikee.
 That which knows the path of work and renunciation, what ought to be done and what ought not to be done, fear and fearlessness, bondage and liberation—that intellect is Sattwic, O Arjuna!

How to attain true renunciation ?
Asaktabuddhih sarvatra jitaatmaa vigatasprihah; 
Naishkarmyasiddhim paramaam sannyaasenaadhigacchati.
" He whose intellect remains unattached to everything, who has conquered his internal organs and is desireless, attains through monasticism the supreme perfection consisting in the state of one free from duties"

What is the supreme importance in attaining the highest knowledge ?
Siddhim praapto yathaa brahma tathaapnoti nibodha me; 
Samaasenaiva kaunteya nishthaa jnaanasya yaa paraa.
"Now hear from Me in brief how one, who is established in the perfection of transcendence of work, attains to Brahman, the highest consummation of knowledge."

What is that one should finally resort to so that one may attain the supreme ? 
Chetasaa sarvakarmaani mayi sannyasya matparah; 
Buddhiyogam upaashritya macchittah satatam bhava.
" Mentally surrendering all actions to Me and accepting Me as the supreme, have your mind ever fixed on Me by resorting to the concentration of your intellect."

It's all God's will. So do your duties peacefully
XVIII 61,62,66
Eeshwarah sarvabhootaanaam hriddeshe’rjuna tishthati; 
Bhraamayan sarvabhootaani yantraaroodhaani maayayaa.
61. The Lord dwells in the hearts of all beings, O Arjuna, causing all beings, by His illusive power, to revolve as if mounted on a machine!
Tameva sharanam gaccha sarvabhaavena bhaarata; 
Tatprasaadaatparaam shaantim sthaanam praapsyasi shaashwatam.
62. Fly unto Him for refuge with all thy being, O Arjuna! By His Grace thou shalt obtain supreme peace and the eternal abode.
Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja; 
Aham twaa sarvapaapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.
66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not.

Sharing Gita Rasam is Joy to One and All
Ya imam paramam guhyam madbhakteshvabhidhaasyati; 
Bhaktim mayi paraam kritwaa maamevaishyatyasamshayah.
68. He who with supreme devotion to Me will teach this supreme secret to My devotees, shall doubtless come to Me.
Na cha tasmaanmanushyeshu kashchinme priyakrittamah; 
Bhavitaa na cha me tasmaadanyah priyataro bhuvi.
69. Nor is there any among men who does dearer service to Me, nor shall there be another on earth dearer to Me than he.

Always Remember.....
Yatra yogeshwarah krishno yatra paartho dhanurdharah; 
Tatra shreervijayo bhootirdhruvaa neetirmatirmama. 18.78
18.78. Wherever there is Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, wherever there is Arjuna, the archer, there are prosperity, happiness, victory and firm policy; such is my conviction.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Iti Srimad Bhagavadgeetaasoopanishatsu Brahmavidyaayaam
Yogashaastre Sri Krishnaarjunasamvaade
Sankshipta Gita Smaranam Sampoornam

करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा ।
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधं ।
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व ।
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो ॥
Kara-Caranna Krtam Vaak-Kaaya-Jam Karma-Jam Vaa |
Shravanna-Nayana-Jam Vaa Maanasam Va-Aparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |
Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shrii-Mahaadeva Shambho ||


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