Swami Chethananandaji's talk on "Meditation on Gita" - July 7th @ Laguna Beach, California

Notes from the discussion - (Any comment prefixed with "EXT" implies note taker's musings)

Bhagavad Gita v/s Bhaagavad Gita - Its lord's song

Eulogy Vaishnava Tantra, Kurma Purana on Gita

Mahabharatha - Country immersed in Great Light - Beautiful derivation.

What is utility of reading 1000s of books when BG itself will suffice ?

Gita, Ganga, Gayatri, Govinda Nama....if you have 4 in heart no rebirth for you.

Hindi guy jocularly remarked "Arjun ka Rona and Bhagavaan ka Ghaana"

700 verses
D- 1
S- 40
A- 85
K- 574

"I have taken their longevity" - Swami's statement (How asked Dhanush?)

....(EXT - Contemplate on what is past, present, future to Lord or Jnani - from standpoint of I as pure consciousness without Avaranam that I'm Chit-Jada Granthi)

Swami Vivekananda on Sri Krishna - _He is the most rounded man I know of, wonderfully developed equally in brain and heart and hand. Every moment [of his] is alive with activity, either as a gentleman, warrior, minister, or something else. Great as a gentleman, as a scholar, as a poet. This all-rounded and wonderful activity and combination of brain and heart you see in the Gita_

Ref: CW - Volume - 1 Gita Talk

When critics comment on Sri Krisha's marriage to several 100 wives.... Swamiji jocularly responds to that criticism by saying...."The fact that He can handle 1600 women that shows he is God ! Here people struggle with one wife !!"

(Swamiji called 1600 type # typical hyperbole of Puranas)

Swamiji Comments - All humans have two problems - confusion & fear...

(EXT - essence of Vedantic Remedy - targets these two... Key attainment of Jnani - Freedom from these two maladies)

Swamiji Comments - War/Battle Field context - A solider is fearless and to a large extent detached from filial sentiments - else waging war is next to impossible.

How Swami Satprakashanandaji (an illustrious 2nd generation monk) was advised by direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna - Swami Turiyanandaji - about how to puruse Gita Studies.

Swami Turiyanandaji (a great Vedantin and Nitya Siddha - as earmarked by Sri Ramakrishna himself) told him to take up 1 verse and internalize it and ONLY then move to the next verse.... :)

"This is the first class and this is my last class" - Swami Turiyanandaji.


Gita is a song...


Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha naitat twayyupapadyate; 
Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam tyaktwottishtha parantapa.

2. 3. Yield not to impotence, O Arjuna, son of Pritha! It does not befit thee. Cast off this mean weakness of the heart. Stand up, O scorcher of foes!


Antavanta ime dehaa nityasyoktaah shareerinah; 
Anaashino’prameyasya tasmaad yudhyaswa bhaarata.

2.18. These bodies of the embodied Self, which is eternal, indestructible and immeasurable, are said to have an end. Therefore, fight, O Arjuna!


Sukhaduhkhe same kritwaa laabhaalaabhau jayaajayau; 
Tato yuddhaaya yujyaswa naivam paapamavaapsyasi.

2.38. Having made pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same, engage thou in battle for the sake of battle; thus thou shalt not incur sin.


Tasmaat sarveshu kaaleshu maamanusmara yudhya cha; 
Mayyarpitamanobuddhir maamevaishyasyasamshayam.

8. 7. Therefore, at all times remember Me only and fight. With mind and intellect fixed (or absorbed) in Me, thou shalt doubtless come to Me alone.


Kim punarbraahmanaah punyaa bhaktaa raajarshayastathaa; 
Anityamasukham lokam imam praapya bhajaswa maam.

9. 33. How much more easily then the holy Brahmins and devoted royal saints (attain the goal); having obtained this impermanent and unhappy world, do thou worship Me.


Manmanaa bhava madbhakto madyaajee maam namaskuru; 
Maamevaishyasi yuktwaivamaatmaanam matparaayanah.

9. 34. Fix thy mind on Me; be devoted to Me; sacrifice unto Me; bow down to Me; having thus united thy whole self with Me, taking Me as the Supreme Goal, thou shalt verily come unto Me.

COMMENTARY: The whole being of a man should be surrendered to the Lord without reservation. Then there will be a marvellous transformation. He will have the vision of God everywhere. All sorrows and pains will vanish. His mind will be one with Him. He will for ever have his life and being in the Lord alone.


Tameva sharanam gaccha sarvabhaavena bhaarata; 
Tatprasaadaatparaam shaantim sthaanam praapsyasi shaashwatam.

18. 62. Fly unto Him for refuge with all thy being, O Arjuna! By His Grace thou shalt obtain supreme peace and the eternal abode.

Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja; 
Aham twaa sarvapaapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.

18. 66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not.


Swamiji talked about Kurukshetra - Pilgrimage Experience.

Heaven, Hell - No Chance.... Our life here in Earth is Karma Bhoomi....this is where we get Moksha


satyam eva jayate nanrutam,Mu Up - 3.1.6 v/s In God we trust in American Bill - Passing Remark by Swamiji.


Sri Krishna is our role model

Gave Bhakti - Gopi
Gave Karma Yoga - Arjuna
Gave Jnanam  - Uddhava

EXT: He taught everything to many but people took what they needed....

Bhakti - Gopi
Karma  Y- Arjuna
Jnana Y - Uddhava

Even as householder Swami was Completely Unattached.

Karmanyakarma yah pashyed akarmani cha karma yah; 
Sa buddhimaan manushyeshu sa yuktah kritsnakarmakrit.

4. 18. He who seeth inaction in action and action in inaction, he is wise among men; he is a Yogi and performer of all actions.

COMMENTARY: It is the idea of agency, the idea of “I am the doer” that binds man to worldliness. If this idea vanishes, action is no action at all. It does not bind one to worldliness. This is inaction in action. But if a man sits quietly, thinking of actions and that he is their doer, he is ever doing actions. This is referred to as action in inaction.

Na maam karmaani limpanti na me karmaphale sprihaa; 
Iti maam yo’bhijaanaati karmabhir na sa badhyate.

4. 14. Actions do not taint Me, nor have I a desire for the fruits of actions. He who knows Me thus is not bound by actions.


He exemplified - KarmaY, JnanaY, Yoga (Raja Yoga), Bhakti Yoga


Karma - Incessant Action, Leader, Inspirer of Masses, Establisher of Dharma, Vanquisher of Adharma

Jnana - Asanghathvam, Non Doer, Brahmachari (during reviwal of Pariksheet), Jnana Guru (Gita, Uddhava Gita etc)

Raja Y - Asta Siddhis, Highest Meditation, Gita Teachings.

Bhakti - Adoration of Lord Siva, Loving His Devotees, Gave Himself to his Devotees.

Swamiji & Doctor Anecdote - 1965

Swamiji gave 1 verse teaching to his doctor, who was always busy but had time for just 1 verse.

Uddharedaatmanaatmaanam naatmaanamavasaadayet; 
Atmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatmanah.

6.5. Let a man lift himself by his own Self alone; let him not lower himself, for this self alone is the friend of oneself and this self alone is the enemy of oneself.

Do not yield to Depression.

American Monk & Asheshanandaji joke...(with spl focus on how to deal with depression)

Monk - I'm depressed 
Swamiji  - Pray to Holy Mother.
Monk (after few days) - I'm still depressed.
Swamiji (Jokingly) - Ok. Get Used to it.


Swamiji C  - Read Gita every day - Do not need Anti Depressant Medicine.


Swamiji's final comment to his friends in St. Louis Center, prior to his departure for Southern California for the Summer.

Read Daily 1 chapter in morning
Dont watch TV in eve after you come back but Read atleast 5 pages of Gospel -Its Satsangham.

(EXT Morning Sastra Svadhyayam, Eve Satsangham)

Swamiji said to them "3 months - you will see big change in life - Gita will guide you"


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