
Showing posts from December, 2024

1st Mahavakya: prajñānaṃ brahma: Aitareya Upaniṣad 3.1.3

Here we shall study Sri Shankaracharya’s bhāṣya (commentary) on the Mahāvākya “Prajñāna ṃ Brahma” from Aitareya Upaniṣad 3.1.3 , with a translation largely based on Sri V. Panoli’s interpretation (with subtle edits in choice of translation words, paraphrasing, and formatting (i.e. placing sanskrit iast inside the parenthesis) for easier reflection). The IAST version of the mantras are found from Introduction bahmavidyāsādhanak ṛ tasarvātmabhāvaphalāvāpti ṃ vāmadevādyācāryaparamparayā śrutyāvadyotyamānā ṃ brahmavitpariṣadyatyantaprasiddhāmupalabhamānā mumukṣavo brāhma ṇ a adhunātanā brahmajijñāsavo 'nityātsādhyasādhanalakṣa ṇ ātsa ṃ sārādājīvabhāvād vyāviv ṛ tsavo vicārayanto 'nyonya ṃ p ṛ cchanti ko 'yamātmeti? katham – Seekers of liberation (mumukṣus), desirous of realizing Brahman, understand that the fruit of universal identity (sarvātmabhāvaphala) can be at...