Tripura Saṃhāra story as found in the Mahābhārata
Here in simpler language, is an abridged retelling of the Tripura Sa ṃ hāra story as found in the Mahābhārata. I used Sri Kisari Mohan Ganguliji’s translation, as starting point …..salutations to that Mahatapasvi. The story of Śiva's destruction of the triple city (Tripura) is part of the epic Mahābhārata , specifically in the Kar ṇ a Parva , also known as the Book of Kar ṇ a. It is part of the narration by Sañjaya to Dh ṛ tarāṣ ṭ ra , recounting how Śiva (often referred to as Rudra , Maheśvara , Sthā ṇ u , and Hara ) destroys the three cities of the Asuras . The tale is brought up by Duryodhana to Śalya in an effort to convince him to serve as Kar ṇ a's charioteer in the upcoming battle against Arjuna . In the Kar ṇ a Parva , Duryodhana recounts this story to illustrate the importance of having a powerful charioteer who is comparable in status and might to the warrior on the chariot, just like Brahmā was to Śiva . He uses this analogy to motivate Śalya to take ...