
Showing posts from January, 2023

Twenty Four Gurus - Translation with Select Transliteration (from Bhagavatham)

  Skandha XI : Chapter 7 KRISHNA’S INSTRUCTION: AVADHUTA’S SERMON ON HIS TEACHERS I Krishna’s Exhortation (1-3) The   Lord   said :   1.   What   you   have   said   about   my   intention   to   depart   from   the world to my abode is, indeed, true. Brahma, Parameswara and other Divinities too are desirous of this.  . I have accomplished all the purposes of the Devas for which, at the request of Brahma, I incarnated in part (or with Balarama as a part of mine).  3. This clan of the Yadavas, doomed by the fire of the holy men’s curse, will perish through mutual strife among its members. And this city of Dwaraka will be inundated by the sea on the seventh day from now.  4. On my ascension, this world denuded of its good fortune, will be subject to the sway of Kali, the spirit of the evil age.  5. After I have left it, do not stay in this land. For in the age of Kali that is to follow, men will all be unrighteous in their outlook.  6. Abandoning all attachment for your own p