Study and Reflection of the first 6 verses in BG - Chapter 9
Reflection / Introduction to Chapter 9 - verses 1 to 6, in Gita. EXT : Earlier the discussion in 8th chapter was on the means to Brahman, through the yogic path ~ also called dharana yōga by Bhagavatpādā. This path involves the jeeva arising through the suśumna and going to higher regions in a systematic manner (krama mārga), till they reach Brahman and not return to samsāra. Now the next chapter and next few verses in chapter 9, demystifies the direct path to mokśā. This direct path is path of knowledge – jnāna mārga. It is direct because, it reveals to us the upaniṣad brahman, which is non-different than the Self. In other words, we are already that one nondual infinite reality, except we are not aware of it. There is one understated aspect of this whole discussion – which is that in jnāna mārga, there is no talk of attainment of that which is unattained, unlike the yogic path. In jnāna mārga the whole point is to recognize the truth about the Self as ...