
Showing posts from October, 2021

Translation and reflection on Ātmabodhā by Sri Bhagavatpādā

222 रामकृष्ण रामकृष्ण जय जय रामकृष्ण Reflection on Ātmabodhā   The following blog, is a humble attempt at translating (in lucid free style) Śri Ā di Śa ṃ kara Bhagavatpādā’s beautiful kriti Ātmabodhā and also writing reflective notes, for each verse. It's hoped this will serve as a friendly companion to those seeking to take a dip at  svātmatīrtha ṃ - one's inner Self (see verse 68 for Āchārya’s beautiful usage of this beautiful word).    Jaya Jaya Śa ṃ kara Hara Hara Śa ṃ kara .   तपोभिः क्षीणपापानां शान्तानां वीतरागिणाम् । मुमुक्षूणामपेक्ष्योऽयमात्मबोधो विधीयते ॥ १॥ tapobhi ḥ  k ṣ ī ṇ apāpānā ṃ  śāntānā ṃ  vītarāgi ṇ ām . mumuk ṣ ū ṇ āmapek ṣ yo'yamātmabodho vidhīyate ..  1.. I am composing (this text) Ātmabodhā to address the seeking of those yearning for Mukti, who have been purified through tapas, and who are peaceful (śāntānā ṃ ) and are free from hankering (after non-self). Notes: Tapas – “Ta” is a mangala v