Free Translation of Ātmabodhā, by Sri Bhagavatpādā
222 रामकृष्ण रामकृष्ण जय जय रामकृष्ण Reflection on Ātmabodhā The following blog, is a humble attempt at translating (in lucid free style) Śri Ā di Śa ṃ kara Bhagavatpādā’s beautiful kriti Ātmabodhā . It's hoped this will serve as a friendly companion to those seeking to take a dip at svātmatīrtha ṃ - one's inner Self (see verse 68 for Āchārya’s beautiful usage of this beautiful word). Jaya Jaya Śa ṃ kara Hara Hara Śa ṃ kara Jai Śri Rāmakriśna Sections Sloka 1: Adhik ā ritvam Slokas 2-5: Knowledge as Direct Means . 1 Slokas 6-9: Learn to see sa m s ā ra ḥ as mere appearance . 2 Slokas 10-17: Ātmā-anātmā viveka (discernment of Self apart from non-Self – i.e. upādhi) 3 Slokas 18-28: Self is Truly Unaffected . 5 Slokas 29-44: Ātma-pratyabhijñā nidhidhyāsanena (Self Recognition through nidhidhyāsana) 7 Slokas 45-46: Jeeva devoid of Ignorance is Brahman . 11 Slokas 47-53: How jnāni views...