
Showing posts from April, 2021

Sri Sadāsiva Stuti from Bhāgavatam (during Ocean Churning)

  Skandham 8. Chapter 7 of Bhagavatham.  As that effervescent, irresistible unbearable poison of deadly force spread in each and every direction, above and below, creatures along with their leaders became terribly afraid, and for want of protection flew to Lord Sadasiva for protection ( śaraṇaṁ sadāśivam) Beholding that foremost One, seated along with his divine Consort on Kailasa,  for the welfare of the three worlds, and practicing tapas , so agreeable to sages, all deities paid obeisance to him and offered their prayer. TEXT 21 śrī-prajāpataya ūcuḥ deva-deva mahā-deva  bhūtātman bhūta-bhāvana  trāhi naḥ śaraṇāpannāṁs  trailokya-dahanād viṣāt TEXT 22 tvam ekaḥ sarva-jagata īśvaro bandha-mokṣayoḥ taṁ tvām arcanti kuśalāḥ prapannārti-haraṁ gurum TEXT 23 guṇa-mayyā sva-śaktyāsya sarga-sthity-apyayān vibho dhatse yadā sva-dṛg bhūman brahma-viṣṇu-śivābhidhām TEXT 24 tvaṁ brahma paramaṁ guhyaṁ sad-asad-bhāva-bhāvanam nānā-śaktibhir ābhātas tvam ātmā jagad-īśvaraḥ TEXT 25 tvaṁ śabda-yonir j