Study and Reflection on the Gita Chapter 4 - Verses 36-42 - Bhasyam + Aapta Vaakyam + Personal Reflection.
Introduction 1. The actual verses and the translation (in images) are from Gita Press translation. 2. In the passages below, the Bhasyam refers to Sri Sankara Bhasyam - sources are Swami Gambhiranandaji's translation or Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan translation or AG Warrier translation. 3. In the passages below, paragraphs beginning with EXT - are my comments, a result of contemplation and Guru/Ishwara/AtmAnugraham. In cases where I am quoting from elsewhere, I'm making mention of the sources - then and there (e.g. Swami Vivekanandaji, Swami Chinmayanandaji, Sri JnAneshwar, Swami Dayanandaji and so on). 4. These 7 verses are very dear to my heart! 5. So reflecting on them, let's purify ourselves, as Sri Krishna Himself says na hi jnaanena sadrisham pavitram iha vidyate , as Sri Krishna himself says in verse 37. Verses 4.36-42 - 7 Verses, ...