
Showing posts from November, 2020

Study and Reflection on the Gita Chapter 4 - Verses 36-42 - Bhasyam + Aapta Vaakyam + Personal Reflection.

Introduction 1.      The actual verses and the translation (in images) are from Gita Press translation. 2.      In the passages below, the Bhasyam refers to Sri Sankara Bhasyam - sources are Swami Gambhiranandaji's translation or Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan translation or AG Warrier translation. 3.      In the passages below, paragraphs beginning with  EXT  - are my comments, a result of contemplation and Guru/Ishwara/AtmAnugraham. In cases where I am quoting from elsewhere, I'm making mention of the sources - then and there (e.g. Swami Vivekanandaji, Swami Chinmayanandaji, Sri JnAneshwar, Swami Dayanandaji and so on).  4.      These 7 verses are very dear to my heart! 5.      So reflecting on them,  let's purify ourselves, as Sri Krishna Himself says na hi jnaanena sadrisham pavitram iha vidyate , as Sri Krishna himself says in verse 37. Verses 4.36-42 - 7 Verses, ...

Arjuna's mental trajectory through the Gita Discourse - (Studying only Arjuna's verses)

Sri Arjuna's Trajectory While studying Gita, several gems are unearthed. One line of thought, is Arjuna's gradual transformation, in and through Gita. We know Sri Krishna is at the heart of the transformation. To get a peripheral feel for Arjuna's transformation, I thought it would be worthwhile to capture only Arjuna's slokas (most of them, not all) and categorize them into (a)  Arjuna's Initial Request, (b) vishAdam (confusion, lamentations), (c) Questions, (d) Praise/Vision/Inspired Utterances and his last utterance in the Gita.  For the purposes of this blog post I took Sri Swami Sivanandaji' s translation ( DLS ) found  here .  We can see the gradual spiritual unfoldment of Arjuna, as we trace through these set of verses. Of course for us to have the spiritual   unfoldment , we need to dwell upon what Sri Krishna has said - the majority of the Gita Verses 😀. But the purpose of this blog post is to reflect on Arjuna's trajectory, through the Gita disc...