
Showing posts from March, 2020

Prayer to LalithAmbaa (mahAvAkyartha Svarupini)

Invocation śrī mātā, śrī mahārāGYī, śrīmat-siṃhāsaneśvarī |  sadasiva samarambham sankaracarya madhyamam | asmad  acarya  paryantam vande guru paramparam  || vishwaamitra gothrothbhavam bhuvanaananda bhaashyakaram vaajapeyagurorsishyam vandetam gyaanabhaaskaram Sri BhaskararAyar Sharanam ||  Sri Ramakrishna Sharanam || Introduction  The import of the mahAvAkyas are embedded in Sri Lalitha SahasranAmam.   Sri BhaskararAyar - the divine BhasyakArar of this divine SahasranAma, elucidates that fifteen shades of meanings can be inferred from the great Lalitha Sahasranamam - of which the final  and overriding significance is the   mahAvAkyAr tha.  Now let's reflect on our Essential nature as Infinite Consciousness, by Guru Krupa - as outlined in Sri Lalitha Sahasranaamam and inspired by Guru Sri Bhaskarararaayar.  Sri BhaskararAyar Sharanam ||  vishwaamitra gothrodbhavam bhuvanAnanda bhAshyakaram ...

Kiraata Leelamrutham

Arjuna in battle with Lord Siva (disguised as a hunter) in sculpture at Mahabhalipuram, near Chennai, India. Kiraata Leelamrutham -       Lord Siva testing Arjuna’s valor and devotion, in the form of a Kiraata (a hunter) (This work is inspired from the narrative found in the Vana Parva of Mahabharata) Contents Invocatory Slokas . 3 Preface . 4 Short Introduction . 6 Prequel to ACT-1 . 7 ACT 1: Arjuna meets Indra on Indrakeela Mountains . 8 ACT 2: Memory of Shri Krishna . 15 ACT 3: Arjuna’s Tapas . 18 ACT 4: Duryodhana’s evil plan . 21 ACT 5: Muka’s real intentions . 24 ACT 6: Kiraata – Arjuna Yuddham! 26 ACT 7: Arjuna obtains Pasupata . 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES . 40 Appendix: Arjuna Kruta Siva stotram .. 41 Appendix: Relevant sections from Vana Parva . 43 1.1.1         Book 3 Chapter 38 . 43 1.1.2   ...