Conversation On Creation (with Scriptural References from Yoga Vasista and Gaudapada Kaarika)
JK : QUOTE Maj. Chadwick asked Sri Bhagavan one night: The world is said to become manifest after the mind becomes manifest. There is no mind when I sleep. Is the world not existent to others at that time? Does it not show that the world is the product of a universal mind? How then shall we say that the world is not material but only dream-like? M (Sri Ramana Maharshi).: The world does not tell you that it is of the individual mind or of the universal mind. It is only the individual mind that sees the world. When this mind disappears the world also disappears. UNQUOTE JK : : This question by Chadwick, is something I have been having in the back of my mind for a while. RM's response is not quite clear to me. Any other references from the scriptures on this topic? EXT : The idea that the world we see in Waking, Dream - is of someone else or our own making etc...are theories to explain the inexplicable. Even in Sruti - the ideas of Creation etc are discussed only as...