Katha Upanisad Verses 1.2.18 - 1.2.23 (while dwelling upon BG 2.19, 2.20)
Introduction Sri Bhagavath Paada has clearly indicated (towards end of BG 2.18 commentary) the two main Katha Upanisad Verses which are the basis for Sri Krishna to give his teaching to Arjuna. Ka.Up 1.2.18 & 1.2.19. We must first recognize - BG 2.20 ~ KaUp 1.2.18 BG 2.19 ~ KaUp 1.2.19 - This also shows how Sri Krishna took the Well Established Vedantic Method of Sruti Based reasoning, to Dispel the basis for Arjuna's sorrow - namely helping him recognize the changeless amidst the changeful - help him in the process to overcome doubt and depression. Katha Upanisad is that famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Sri Yama Dharma Raja. Therein, Brahma Vidya is lucidly expounded. In that Upanisad the verse 1.2.18 - 1.2.23 are very key to developing Atma Jnana Nista by Mananam. I would recommend we read them. A route I would recommend to take herewith would be a) Read Verses 2.19 and 2.20 in BG and then read verses 1.2.18/1.2.19 which are similar verses in Katha Upa...