
Showing posts from July, 2018

Katha Upanisad Verses 1.2.18 - 1.2.23 (while dwelling upon BG 2.19, 2.20)

Introduction Sri Bhagavath Paada has clearly indicated (towards end of BG 2.18 commentary) the two main Katha Upanisad Verses which are the basis for Sri Krishna to give his teaching to Arjuna. Ka.Up 1.2.18 & 1.2.19. We must first recognize - BG 2.20 ~ KaUp 1.2.18 BG 2.19 ~ KaUp 1.2.19 - This also shows how Sri Krishna took the Well Established Vedantic Method of Sruti Based reasoning, to Dispel the basis for Arjuna's sorrow - namely helping him recognize the changeless amidst the changeful - help him in the process to overcome doubt and depression. Katha Upanisad is that famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Sri Yama Dharma Raja. Therein, Brahma Vidya is lucidly expounded. In that Upanisad the verse 1.2.18 - 1.2.23 are very key to developing Atma Jnana Nista by Mananam. I would recommend we read them. A route I would recommend to take herewith would be a) Read Verses 2.19 and 2.20 in BG and then read verses 1.2.18/1.2.19 which are similar verses in Katha Upa...

Contemplation on Verses 2.17-2.18 in Bhagavad Gita

Contemplation on Verses 2.17-2.18 in Bhagavad Gita, in light of Sri Sankara Bhasyam Avinaashi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idam tatam; Vinaasham avyayasyaasya na kashchit kartum arhati. 2.17. Know That to be indestructible, by whom all this is pervaded. None can cause the destruction of That, the Imperishable. COMMENTARY: The Self pervades all objects like ether. Even if the pot is broken, the ether that is within and without it cannot be destroyed. Similarly, if the bodies and all other objects perish, the eternal Self that pervades them cannot be destroyed; It is the living Truth. Antavanta ime dehaa nityasyoktaah shareerinah; Anaashino’prameyasya tasmaad yudhyaswa bhaarata. 2.18. These bodies of the embodied Self, which is eternal, indestructible and immeasurable, are said to have an end. Therefore, fight, O Arjuna! Ref: Sri Swami Sivanandaji's translation & transliteration -------------------------------------...

Swami Chethananandaji's talk on "Meditation on Gita" - July 7th @ Laguna Beach, California

Notes from the discussion - (Any comment prefixed with "EXT" implies note taker's musings) Bhagavad Gita v/s Bhaagavad Gita - Its lord's song Eulogy Vaishnava Tantra, Kurma Purana on Gita Mahabharatha - Country immersed in Great Light - Beautiful derivation. What is utility of reading 1000s of books when BG itself will suffice ? Gita, Ganga, Gayatri, Govinda Nama....if you have 4 in heart no rebirth for you. Hindi guy jocularly remarked " Arjun ka Rona and Bhagavaan ka Ghaana " 700 verses D- 1 S- 40 A- 85 K- 574 "I have taken their longevity" - Swami's statement (How asked Dhanush?) ....(EXT - Contemplate on what is past, present, future to Lord or Jnani - from standpoint of I as pure consciousness without Avaranam that I'm Chit-Jada Granthi) Swami Vivekananda on Sri Krishna - _He is the most rounded man I know of, wonderfully developed equally in brain and heart and hand. Every moment [of his] is alive with activity...