
Showing posts from May, 2024

śaṅkarācārya aṣṭottara śata nāmastotram (with select meaning)

  Using the translation done by  Sri Ravi Mayavaram and Sri Saraswathi from, as starting point, I've reworded them, as needed to be consistent with my internalization of Vedanta, from the Guru sampradhaaya.  (purpose of this blogpost, is for quick reference in Thursdy Guru Puja) VERSE 1 śrīśaṅkarācāryavaryo brahmānandapradāyakaḥ . ajñāna timirādityassujñānāmbudhi candramāḥ .. 1..   1) oṃ śrīśaṅkarācāryavaryāya namaḥ   2) oṃ brahmānanda pradāyakāya namaḥ   I bow to śri shankara who confers  brahmānanda   with Atmajnaana upadesam.  3) oṃ ajnāna timirādityāya namaḥ   I bow to śri shankara who (instantly) dispels (the otherwise) stubborn ajnāna with brahmajnānam like brilliant Sun rays instantly dispels the darkness of the night. 4) oṃ sujñānāmbudhi candramase namaḥ   I bow to śri shankara who bestows the auspicious knowledge of brahman to his disciples, like a full moon showering its cool rays to a large body of water. (this upamāna is importa