"brahmavidyāṃ sarvavidyā pratiṣṭhām" – brahma vidya is the basis of all kinds of knowledge
Life experience of every individual can be classified into two precise parts – Self and non-Self. The object in every act of cognition is non-Self or unātma. From one act of cognition to another, the object may change, but the subject or the Self is the same. The principle of awareness or consciousness, underlying every act of cognition, is the Self. In other words, Self is the consciousness which illumines one’s thoughts, feelings, body, the senses, object of senses, time, space, cause-effect, names and forms. In other words, all those things revealed to Self, by virtue of Self being pure consciousness, are non-Self or unātma. So one’s thoughts, feelings, body, personality or personalities are unātma (non-Self). While the objects change - i.e. thoughts change, feelings change, body changes, personality changes - the witness of all of them the Self remains changeless consciousness. One’s senses or sense objects are unātma. This world of names a...