Short notes on Sri DharmarAja Yudhisthira ...
Dharmaputra tried to be Dharmic all his life, but his self-reliance on the basis of what he construed to be ksatriya dharma, prevented him from transcending those limited notions of Dharma and adopt parA dharma (as discussed in 18.66 BG - sarvadharmānparityajya māmēkaṅ śaraṇaṅ vraja..). His guilt ridden conscience at the end of the battle - is the proof that inspite of all his attempts at being "Dharmic" - He was often plagued by self-doubt. Of course at Yaksha Prasna - he comes out as Yudhisthira 2.0 - certified by Lord of Dharma Himself. Yet his education was only good enough to last till Duryodhana's death, at the conclusion of which - his guilt/self-pity all manifest again. Unlike Duryodhana, who flaunted his Adharmic credentials to the last point in this life (see 9.60.47 - 50 - duryodhana's speech to Pandavas and others) - Yudhiśthirā despite being repeatedly wronged by Duryodhana and others, was plagued by guilt. This guilt was born out of his acceptance o...