
Showing posts from July, 2021

Sanatsujātiya in Mahābhārata - Summary and Reflection

  Main Topic: Sanatsujātiya Student: Eashwar Thiagarajan / MBh-IV / Summer 2021 /HUA Mahabharata version used: S.N.Sastri’s translation (for verse numbering) Parvā #5, Adhyāya # 42-46: Udyōga Parvā, (S.N.Sastri version ~ Vani Vilas) Brief Comments on the versions of Sanatsujātiya: There seem to be three widely available versions of Sanatsujātiya 1.     Vanivilas press, Srirangam (which is followed by S.N.Sastri, who seems to follow Sri Sankara Bhasya) 2.     Chawkhambha Sanskrit Series, Varanasi 3.     Ashtekar Publishing Company, Poona. MND – 192 verses; Kumbhakonam edition – 192 verses; Constituted text of Critical Edition 131 verses; The S.N.Sastri version (Vani-vilas) – 157 verses. The chapter wise split is given below. Adhyaya# MND Kumbhakonam Constituted Text, CE S.N.Sastri Version 42 46 44 32 43 43 63 64 37 51