Introduction to Rishi Ashtavakra (from Mahabharata) and Astavakra Gita
Notes regarding Astavakra . Svetaketu, the son of Gautama Aruni was the uncle of Astavakra. Astavakra and Svetaketu, nephew and uncle, are contemporaries who went to King Janaka to defeat Vandin. Kahoda (Astavakra’s father) was Uddalaka's student to whom he gave his daughter Sujata in marriage. The child in Sujata s womb corrects his father while he was displaying his scholarship and is cursed to be astavakra, "eightfold crooked". Sujata (Astavakra’s mother) wants wealth, and requests Kahoda thus, for which he goes to King Janaka’s court. There he is defeated by the court philosopher Vandin and is apparently drowned. Uddalaka tells his daughter to keep this fact from his grandson Astavakra. After twelve years Astavakra finds out about this father and goes with (his uncle who was of same age as him) Svetaketu to King Janaka’s court. There is amazes everyone with his intellect and eventually defeats Vandin. For more in this regard, please study Vana Parva – Teerthayat...