
Showing posts from June, 2020

Sri Kanchi Mahaperiyavaa on SandhyAvandhanam - Gleanings from Deivathin Kural

Sri Kanchi Mahaperiyavaa on Sandhyaa Vandhanam (Gleanings from Deivathin Kural - different sections) 1. Six occupation of which Sandhyavandhanam is of Prime Importance These six ‘occupations’ are mentioned in the Manusmrti. Another dharma Sastra, the Parasara smurthi, fists six other duties as part of a Brahmin's daily routine. Sandhya snanam japOhomam devathanamcha pujanam Aathithyam vaiSvadevamcha sathkarmani dhini dhinee Sandhyavandhana must be performed after bathing. A Brahmin must never be afraid of taking a dip in cold water. He has to bathe so often, twice or thrice a day, at dawn, midday and dusk (pratah-snana, madhyahnika-snana and sayamkala-snana). Sandhyavandana must be performed after the bath in the morning and evening respectively and madhyahnika after the midday bath. Though the verse says ‘sandhya snanam 'you should not construe it perversely to mean bath after performing sandhyavandhana Sandhyavandana is the most important rit...