Few Verses from Yoga Vasista on - Satsangha, Scripture & Vichara (Inquiry) - for regular study
Verse 7.47.16: Importance of Sastra and Sadhu-Sangam साधुसंगमशुद्धात्मा शास्त्रार्थपरिमार्जितः । प्राज्ञो भात्युद्धृतं वह्नेरग्निशौचमिवांशुकम् ॥ १६ ॥ sādhusaṃgama śuddhātmā śāstrārthaparimārjitaḥ | prājño bhātyuddhṛtaṃ vahneragniśaucam-ivāṃśukam || 16 || The wise person whose is purified by the association with holy men, and whose mind is cleansed with the washing of scriptural instruction, is as a sheet of linen cloth flaming with fire. कचत्काञ्चनकान्तेन विमलालोककारिणा । भुवनं भास्करेणेव भाति साधुः स्वतेजसा ॥ १७ ॥ kacatkāñcanakāntena vimalālokakāriṇā | bhuvanaṃ bhāskareṇeva bhāti sādhuḥ svatejasā || 17 || The holy saint shines with the effulgence, as the sun does with his golden beams, diffusing a pure light all around the world. तथानुगच्छति प्राज्ञः शास्त्रसाधुसमागमौ । यथात्यन्तानुषङ्गेण तावेवानुभवत्यसौ ...