
Showing posts from October, 2019

Preamble to Vedanta Svadhyayam (reflection on one fine morning)

222 स तन्मयो ह्यमृत ईशसंस्थो ज्ञः सर्वगो भुवनस्यास्य गोप्ता। य ईशेऽस्य जगतो नित्यमेव नान्यो हेतुर्विद्यत ईशनाय॥ यो ब्रह्माणं विदधाति पूर्व यो वै वेदांश्च प्रहिणोति तस्मै। तं ह देवं आत्मबुध्दिप्रकाशं मुमुक्षुर्वै शरणमहं प्रपद्ये॥ "He is the Soul of the Universe; He is Immortal; His is the Rulership; He is the All-knowing, the All-pervading, the Protector of the Universe, the Eternal Ruler. None else is there efficient to govern the world eternally. He who at the beginning of creation projected Brahmâ (i.e. the universal consciousness), and who delivered the Vedas unto him — seeking liberation I go for refuge unto that effulgent One, whose light turns the understanding towards the Atman." - Svetasvataara Upanisad - 6 - 17-18 1.         Truth which is permanent (eternal) & unchanging is the goal of Vedanta.  Not some relative truth – however sublime or poetic or satisfying (in varying degrees). This Ultimate Truth ought to be known in wit...

Some Useful Verses in Panchadashi - On Direct, Indirect Knowledge of Brahman

[Some Useful verses from Panchadasi for Reflection (These verses are not a must read in this context of Kena Upanisad, but in past I found the useful when reflecting on "Cognition", "Self-Awareness", "Object-less Consciousness" 6.37. As people think of ‘ this ’ (something seen) as silver though they really see the mother of pearl, so* in self-cognition the Self is mistaken for the ego. 7. 49. The direct knowledge of the reality referred to in the Sruti as ‘this’ (in ‘This is the Self’) is of two kinds: Atman is self-luminous, and the intellect perceives it as self-evident. 7.51.  Indirect knowledge, which is the -cognition ‘Brahman exists ’ and not the cognition I am Brahman’, is not erroneous ; because in the state of direct knowledge this indirect knowledge is not contradicted but confirmed. 7. 58. By a thorough analysis of * Self is Brahman ’ the direct knowledge * I am Brahman * is achieved, just as the man after having been told that he is t...

Kena Upanisad: Few Key Verses and Sri Sankara Bhasyam (for repeated reflection)

आप्यायन्तु ममाङ्गानि वाक्प्राणश्चक्षुः श्रोत्रमथो बलमिन्द्रियाणि च सर्वाणि। सर्वं ब्रह्मौपनिषदं माहं ब्रह्म निराकुर्यां मा मा ब्रह्म निराकरोदनिराकरणमस्त्वनिराकरणं मेऽस्तु। तदात्मनि निरते य उपनिषत्सु धर्मास्ते मयि सन्तु ते मयि सन्तु ।। शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ।। Om āpyāyantu mamāṅgāni vākprāṇaścakṣuḥ śrotramatho balamindriyāṇi ca sarvāṇi. sarvaṃ brahmaupaniṣadaṃ māhaṃ brahma nirākuryāṃ mā mā brahma nirākārodanirākaraṇa mastvanirākaraṇaṃ mestu tadātmani nirate ya upaniṣatsu dharmāste mayi santu te mayi santu . Om śāntiḥ! śāntiḥ!! śāntiḥ!!! Invocation of Peace May my limbs, speech, vital air, eyes, ears, strength and all the senses be fully developed. All that is revealed by the Upanishads is Brahman. May I never deny Brahman; may Brahman never disown me. Let there be no repudiation (from Brahman); let there be no infidelity from my side. May all the Dharmas extolled by the Upanishads shine in me who am intent on knowing the Self. May they shine in m...