
Showing posts from January, 2019

Isavasya Upanisad & Karma Yoga Discussion - Reflection.

Introduction  Study of Isavasya Upanisad while, contemplating on Karma Yoga teachings as outlined in Gita (chatper 2, 3) reinforces our Sraddha in the declaration of the Gita. This must not come as surprise, as this Isavasya Upanisad is from Shukla Yajur Veda - which was revealed to Sri Yajnavalkya Muni by Sri Vivaswan (Sri Surya).  In 4th chapter of Gita Bhagavan says - "Imam vivaswate yogam proktavaan..." i.e. " I taught this imperishable Yoga to Vivasvan". So Isavasya Upanisad is many ways the original source material, which later re appeared out of Sri Krishna's lips.  In Chapter 3  - Sri Krishna says  Loke’smin dwividhaa nishthaa puraa proktaa mayaanagha;  Jnaanayogena saankhyaanaam karmayogena yoginaam. 3. In this world there is a twofold path, as I said before, O sinless one,—the path of knowledge of the Sankhyas and the path of action of the Yogis! The two paths can be traced back to Isavasya Upanisad.  -------------------...

Prachina Barhis, Puranjana Upakhyanam, Prachetas, Priyavrta, Rishabha, Jada Bharata Upaakhyaanam - Contemplation

Vijitashva, son of Prithu, ruled the kingdom after his father had gone away to the  forest. He appointed his four brothers to rule the four quarters and himself ruled  the entire kingdom. Vijitashva had a wife by name Nabhasvati and she bore him  a son by name Havirdhana. This son, however, was not like other children. Even  when he was a young man he declared that he had no interest in ruling the  kingdom and he refused to be caught up in the toils of kingship. He went away  to the forest in pursuit of salvation. Havirdhana had a wife Havirdhani and she bore him six sons before he abandoned the kingdom. Barhishat was the eldest of them. He married Shatadruti, the daughter of the lord of the seas. Ten sons were born to this couple and they were famed as the Prachetas brothers.  They grew up ever  devoted to Narayana. Their father asked them to take upon themselves the task  of continuing the line and, as a preparation for it, t...