Contemplation on Vedanta - fundamentals - Svasvarupa Anusandhaanam
222 --- Aum Namo Vakratundaya ------------------------ Sri Sankara Bhasyam prior to the verse 11 dwells upon the fundamentals of Vedanta. So this Q/A below hopes to contemplate on the fundamentals prior to proceeding with Sri Sankara Bhasyam from Chapter 2, post verse 10. ----------- INTRODUCTION Q: Why is there suffering in life? Ajnanam or Avidya or Ignorance Q: Ignorance of what? Clear understanding of what Atman is and is not. Q: What is Atman? Our very Self Q: How does Vedanta indicate Atman or Our Selfhood? - We can recognize our Self in following aspects (1) "I exist"; --> Satyam (2) "I'm aware of my Self"; --> Jnanam (3) "The awareness is not dependent upon external conditions or objects" --> Anantam Our existence is undeniable - self-evident. Sa Bhasyam BG.2.16 "That Alone is Real (Satyam) who cognition is not mutable" - In other words Satyam means Real - which is eternal and changele...